CCleaner Not Cleaning Google Chrome

當流覽器關閉時,這款應用程式刪除你的流覽歷史,防止他人跟蹤你的網上活動。Click&CleanisaninnovativeandtotallyfreesolutionforyourPCthatwillhelp ...,DeletestypedURLs,Cache,Cookies,yourDownloadandBrowsingHistory...instantly,withjust1-clickonClick&Clean...。參考影片的文章的如下:



當流覽器關閉時,這款應用程式刪除你的流覽歷史,防止他人跟蹤你的網上活動。 Click&Clean is an innovative and totally free solution for your PC that will help ...


Deletes typed URLs, Cache, Cookies, your Download and Browsing History...instantly, with just 1-click on Click&Clean button!


Bu uygulama, tarama geçmişinizi tarayıcı kapanınca siler ve çevrimiçi takip edilmenizi engeller. Click&Clean is an innovative and totally free solution for ...

【問題】CCleaner Browser 歷史紀錄如何匯出?

2022年8月27日 — 雖然知道很少人再用這個瀏覽器但是因為不小心使用太久,所以想說整理完之後,把這個軟體移除改用google瀏覽器想問一下,CCleaner Browser 歷史紀錄 ...

Clean web browsers with CCleaner for Windows

CCleaner can clean a variety of popular browsers: Microsoft Edge, Google Chrome, and Mozilla Firefox are all covered by CCleaner for Windows.

Why is my browser cleaning being skipped?

Cleaning of your Google Chrome and Microsoft Edge browsers may get skipped if a process associated with this web browser runs in the background while cleaning.

CCleaner Browser

Learn more about the fast, private and secure browser for Windows, from the makers of CCleaner.

What is the best Chrome alternative?

CCleaner Browser is a free Chromium-based web browser that is perfect if you're serious about online security and protecting your privacy while online. It's ...

Why you should clean your browsers regularly

CCleaner Browser not only cleans your browser automatically for you but also blocks ads, stops online tracking, kills junk, and has added security features.


當流覽器關閉時,這款應用程式刪除你的流覽歷史,防止他人跟蹤你的網上活動。Click&CleanisaninnovativeandtotallyfreesolutionforyourPCthatwillhelp ...,DeletestypedURLs,Cache,Cookies,yourDownloadandBrowsingHistory...instantly,withjust1-clickonClick&Cleanbutton!,Buuygulama,taramageçmişinizitarayıcıkapanıncasilerveçevrimiçitakipedilmeniziengeller.Click&Cleanisaninnovativeandtotallyfreesoluti...

Privacy Eraser Free 6.17.2 隱私清理不留痕跡

Privacy Eraser Free 6.17.2 隱私清理不留痕跡
