2011年7月8日 — Unplug the USB drive and take it to the machine to be installed. Reboot the machine and choose USB boot option in the BIOS boot menu. Choose ...
OS platform = i686. Using libusb. Connecting to cable (Usb Port - USB24). Checking cable driver. File version of /opt/xilinx/ISE/bin/lin/xusbdfwu.hex = 1030.
Install CentOS 52014/10/01. [1], Insert an installation DVD and restart Computer. Next, the following screen is shown, then Push Enter key. [2], This is the ...
2009年6月18日 — First, do not install 5.2. The current version is 5.3. You can create a bootable USB stick using images/diskboot.img from the installation DVD ...
2012年2月12日 — Installing CentOS from USB · Plug USB drive in server and boot it up. · Select the USB thumb drive to boot from · Select language, keyboard, etc ...
2017年4月26日 — My recommendation would be to install a recent distribution, such as CentOS 7, and run whatever you need on CentOS 5 in a virtual environment.