
Increaseexpand an EXT4 filesystem in RHEL 6 CentOS 6

First, you need to increase the disk's size in your vSphere Client or through the CLI. This will increase the hardware disk that your Virtual Machine can see.

How do you resize an ext4 file system in Linux?

To resize an ext4 file system in Linux, you can use the resize2fs command. Here are the steps: Ensure that the underlying partition or logical ...

How to resize ext4 root partition live without umount

This article will focus on how to resize EXT4 root partition without unmount. This is an easy way for some system where you are unable to unmount root ...

Changing ext4 partition using GParted?

Right-click on the ext4 partition you want to resize and select “Resize/Move.” In the Resize/Move dialog, you can adjust the size of the filesystem by dragging ...

Resizing an EXT4 or XFS partition on CentOS without unmounting

Vasily Shapochka · 1. Resize the disk on your hypervisor · 2. Check initial disk size and space · 3. Delete the parition you want to resize.

extend MBR disk with ext4 partition to over 2 TB on CentOS 7

I have a CentOS 7 machine with two disks mounted [ /dev/sda and /dev/sdb ] using ext4. I need to extend /dev/sdb1 to over 2 TB. I extended the disk from 2

How to extend an ext4 partition and filesystem?

Growing the partition with your root file system should work just fine as long as: 1. You don't change the starting sector number. 2. You reboot after changing ...

Is it safe to resize partition in ext4?

Yes, it is safe. As long as the process is not interrupted by i.e. power loss, your data will be fine. This is what resize2fs is made for.

How to to resize an ext4 partition from the command line?

To increase the size of the hard drive, go into the DCD (Data Center Designer) and upscale the drive. After you have increased the amount of ...

Help resizing Ext4 partition size

Run fsck then resize2fs on /dev/sda12. The resize will expand to fill the partition by default. Works online, but I prefer to umount first.


First,youneedtoincreasethedisk'ssizeinyourvSphereClientorthroughtheCLI.ThiswillincreasethehardwarediskthatyourVirtualMachinecansee.,Toresizeanext4filesysteminLinux,youcanusetheresize2fscommand.Herearethesteps:Ensurethattheunderlyingpartitionorlogical ...,ThisarticlewillfocusonhowtoresizeEXT4rootpartitionwithoutunmount.Thisisaneasywayforsomesystemwhereyouareunabletounmountroot ...,Right-clickon...