

文章浏览阅读5.2k次。什么是ChangeDetect ?ChangeDetect 能提供网页监控服务。每当您关注的网页上的内容发生变化时,都会收到自动电子邮件通知。

Website change detection, monitoring, alerts, notifications, restock ...

The best way to monitor website changes. Loved by smart-shoppers, bargain-hunters, data-journalists and more. Now with intelligent product restock detection! Tutorials · As featured in · API Reference

Changedetection.io Website Monitor

Changedetection.io website change detection browser extension, makes it SUPER easy to add new web pages to monitor for changes. Simply connect ...


Changedetection.io provides free, open-source web page monitoring, notification and change detection.

GitHub - dgtlmoonchangedetection.io

Web Site Change Detection, Restock monitoring and notifications. Detect website content changes and perform meaningful actions - trigger notifications via ... Changedetection.py · Docker-compose.yml · Discussions · Issues 236

changedetection.io - The best and simplest self-hosted ...

The best and simplest self-hosted open source website change detection monitoring and notification service. An alternative to Visualping, Watchtower etc.

[Angular 大師之路] Day 26 - 認識元件的變更偵測策略

Default :預設的變更偵測設定,會檢查所有屬性資料的變更,若資料是物件,物件內的屬性變更也會檢查,也就是「盡可能找到所有變更」,又稱為「髒檢查」(dirty check) · OnPush : ...

Change Detection

Change Detection is a computer vision task that involves detecting changes in an image or video sequence over time. The goal is to identify areas in the ...


Monitor any website for changes with Visualping. Get instant alerts via email, SMS, API or Slack when a web page changes. Try it free today!

一個實時監控網頁的數據變化開源工具,19.9k star

Allen Hsu (@allenhsu3). 56 Likes. https://github.com/dgtlmoon/changedetection.io 一個實時監控網頁的數據變化開源工具,19.9k star 有時候想買的 ...




