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ChartBlocks Charts for Business

ChartBlocks lets you quickly & easily build charts. Import data, design a chart and then share it online or download it as an image.

Chartblocks 線上圖表製作工具

ChartBlocks 界面讓您可以控製圖表的各個方面;從顏色、大小和字體到添加網格和更改軸上的數字刻度。在易於使用的圖表設計器中,在幾分鐘內構建圖表,從數十種圖表類型中進行 ...

Ceros Chartblocks

However you collect your data, ChartBlocks can visualize it. Build a chart from spreadsheets, databases, or even live feeds using our API.


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Create beautiful custom charts. ChartBlocks takes your data from spreadsheets to shareable graphics — no coding necessary.


The wizard tool: Use the simple chart building wizard to pick the right data for your chart. Try Chartblocks for free today. http://bit.ly/2gKHVaM.

ChartBlocks 線上製作統計圖表,讓圖表不再千篇一律

「 ChartBlocks 」無法取代專業的Excel 等試算表軟體,但是他專注於幫我們線上快速簡單製作出漂亮的統計圖表,運用到自己的簡報、網頁或報告文件中。


Videos ; Embedding Charts in Wordpress. 1K views ; How to make a bar chart. 46K views ; How to make a pie chart. 2.5K views.


Build and share charts online with the web's easiest chart builder. We're now a part of Ceros, for all updates follow us at @cerosdotcom.


Wenoticedyouareusingatabletormobiledevice.Forabetterexperience,werecommendusingadesktop.Continueanyway.,ChartBlocksletsyouquickly&easilybuildcharts.Importdata,designachartandthenshareitonlineordownloaditasanimage.,ChartBlocks界面讓您可以控製圖表的各個方面;從顏色、大小和字體到添加網格和更改軸上的數字刻度。在易於使用的圖表設計器中,在幾分鐘內構建圖表,從數十種圖表類型中進行 ...,Howeveryouco...