

The Chimera has excellent gun statistics considering its alpha damage, and is not particularly lacking apart from DPM and reload time.

Chimera - World of Tanks

ChimeraTier VIII Reward British Medium Tank Versatile ... tanks.gg is a player created website for World of Tanks. We are not an official Wargaming or World of ...

Chimera VIII

3D Model, Ratings, Equipment, Crews, Field modifications, Marks of excellence, Marks of mastery & WN8 for Chimera.

Chimera 《奇美拉戰役-燃燒戰場》 | 戰車世界閃擊戰

Chimera 《奇美拉戰役-燃燒戰場》 | 戰車世界閃擊戰| Summer遊戲頻道| World of Tanks Blitz | WoT Blitz. 562 views · 1 year ago #Chimera #Summer ...

Chimera: review, characteristics, comparison

A project for a heavy British tank, designed to counter the Soviet IS-3. Despite non-standard solutions and the application of German tank-building ...


一項英國重型戰車計畫,設計來反制蘇聯的IS-3 戰車。儘管採用非常規解決方案,更用上了德國的戰車建造技術,這項計畫仍宣告中止,且僅存於藍圖。 Chimera 影片評論涵蓋了 ...


結論:雖然屬於中坦但可以像重坦一樣撞爆對方又可以像輕坦一樣偵查,偵查兼傷害(大砲型),賺分超級快,新手也可以輕易駕馭,賺的銀幣又多,值得購買的招財獸 ...


第二前線的最新行動即將解鎖,您可以完成一系列的任務獲得 VIII Chimera 。這輛中型戰車能夠擊敗它的IX 階敵人,甚至連X 階戰車都不是它的對手(當然,技巧夠 ...


TheChimerahasexcellentgunstatisticsconsideringitsalphadamage,andisnotparticularlylackingapartfromDPMandreloadtime.,ChimeraTierVIIIRewardBritishMediumTankVersatile...tanks.ggisaplayercreatedwebsiteforWorldofTanks.WearenotanofficialWargamingorWorldof ...,3DModel,Ratings,Equipment,Crews,Fieldmodifications,Marksofexcellence,Marksofmastery&WN8forChimera.,Chimera《奇美拉戰役-燃燒戰場》|戰車世界...