
5 Ways to Enable or Disable Tabs Always on Top in Chrome

2023年10月4日 — 2. Use shortcut keys. Use the Ctrl + Alt + Esc keys to stop the always-on-top tab in Chrome. Likewise, users can press the Ctrl + space keys to ...

Always active Window

Pretend that all browser windows are active by spoofing the visibility state event and more! This extension protects against web pages tracking ...

Chrome is now always on top, how can I avoid that?

2017年9月1日 — Try this instead...... 1. Go to Chrome Settings. 2. Scroll down to On Startup 3. Select Continue where you left off 4. Shut down Chrome 5.

How to DISABLE Chrome Always On Top

2022年3月4日 — I've been trying all day to figure out how to disable the 'always on top' feature (bug?) and can't find an answer.

How to keep a window Always On Top in Windows 1110

2023年10月6日 — Select a window and double-click to the TopMost Control icon in the system tray · Select a window and use Ctrl+Alt+Space Keyboard shortcuts · Use ...

How to make a part of Chrome "always on top"? [closed]

2011年9月9日 — 1 Answer 1 ... The easiest way to achieve this, in my thought, is combine a third-party program with a chrome extension. For example, if you are ...

How to Make or Disable Chrome Always on Top Windows 10

2022年10月12日 — This post introduces how to make Chrome always on top of other windows in Windows 10, and how to disable it when you want.

Turn off Google Chrome Always on top

2023年5月19日 — On your computer, open Chrome. At the top right, click More . Click Help Report an issue.


2023年10月4日—2.Useshortcutkeys.UsetheCtrl+Alt+Esckeystostopthealways-on-toptabinChrome.Likewise,userscanpresstheCtrl+spacekeysto ...,Pretendthatallbrowserwindowsareactivebyspoofingthevisibilitystateeventandmore!Thisextensionprotectsagainstwebpagestracking ...,2017年9月1日—Trythisinstead......1.GotoChromeSettings.2.ScrolldowntoOnStartup3.SelectContinuewhereyouleftoff4.ShutdownChrome5.,2022年3...

TurboTop 2.7 多視窗最上層管理工具

TurboTop 2.7 多視窗最上層管理工具
