Browser Test



IE Tab安裝教學

IE Tab簡介:IE Tab 是用在網頁瀏覽器Google Chrome和Edge的一種擴充套件,能實現在Google Chrome或Edge瀏覽器呼叫Internet Explorer的排版引擎瀏覽網頁。

Browserling - Cross-browser testing

Cross-browser test websites in the most popular browsers such as Internet Explorer, Chrome, Firefox, Safari and Opera. Try for free!

Test IE

Test websites in all versions of real Internet Explorer (IE6 - IE11) and Edge straight from Chrome browser, through BrowserStack.

Test IE

Test IE allows you to preview and test websites in all versions of Edge and Internet Explorer (IE6 - IE11). Just click on the extension from the ...

Test IE

Test IE allows you to preview and test websites in all versions of Edge and Internet Explorer (IE6 - IE11). Just click on the extension from the Chrome toolbar, ...

IE 8 Testing With Chrome

Here is the list of Apps that can help you test IE in Chrome: More Options are Discussed Here: Online Internet Explorer Simulators

設定IE 模式的Microsoft Edge 舊版瀏覽器支援

在測試電腦上,確認下列瀏覽器的政策正確:. Chrome 瀏覽器:開啟Chrome 瀏覽器,然後前往chrome://policy; Microsoft Edge:開啟Microsoft Edge 瀏覽器,然後前往edge:// ...

How do I use the Test IE Chrome extension?

How do I use the Test IE Chrome extension? Download and install the Test IE extension from Integrations. The extension will be visible in the Chrome toolbar.

如何解決?(使用Google Chrome安裝IE Tab擴充元件 ...

若您電腦的IE瀏覽器,因不明原因導致無法正常使用(重設IE瀏覽器設定或重新安裝都無效),可安裝Google Chrome瀏覽器後,再另外安裝Chrome的IE Tab擴充程式來代替使用。


世界有名的ACID瀏覽器測試,IE8測試的結果如下. IE8的ACID3分數. 當其他的瀏覽器,如Google Chrome與Firefox都高達98分以上,甚至Apple瀏覽器Safari都高達100分時,試問 ...

