How to Clear Terminal Window on #macos

2023年12月11日—Typehistory-pintotheTerminalandpressReturn.Allshellhistoryisclearedinstantly-withoutwarning.Anotherwaytoclearzshhistory ...,2017年11月24日—命令工具的清屏命令.DOS清屏指令:cls,linux清屏指令:clear继续访问.,Edit>ClearScrollback⌥⌘K(A...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to clear Terminal's command history in macOS

2023年12月11日 — Type history -p into the Terminal and press Return. All shell history is cleared instantly - without warning. Another way to clear zsh history ...

Mac terminal 清屏快捷键原创

2017年11月24日 — 命令工具的清屏命令. DOS 清屏指令: cls , linux清屏指令: clear 继续访问.

How do I clear the screen in Terminal (no CLS)

Edit > Clear Scrollback ⌥⌘K (Alt+Cmd+K). Edit > Clear Screen ⌃⌘L (Ctrl+Cmd+L). If you're using iTerm: Edit > Clear Buffer ⌘ ...


2022年2月6日 — 清空終端機 · Mac. Command + K Control + L · Windows. Ctrl + L (早期似乎是Ctrl+ K).

How to Clear Terminal on Mac

2023年10月5日 — When you use Terminal on Mac, typing a command is one of the most common ways to clear your screen. Type Command + K and tap on your Mac's Enter ...

How to clear Mac Terminal history

2023年11月20日 — To delete history, type history -p (In bash and other shells, the command is history -c ).

How to Clear the Terminal Screen on a Mac

Click “Applications” under the Places heading on the left side of the Finder. Double-click the Utilities folder and then double-click “Terminal” to launch the ...

How do you clear the terminal on a Mac?

2019年8月19日 — Ctrl + L clears the screen. There is a module which runs system commands. Use it in your program to run Ctrl + L.


2023年12月11日—Typehistory-pintotheTerminalandpressReturn.Allshellhistoryisclearedinstantly-withoutwarning.Anotherwaytoclearzshhistory ...,2017年11月24日—命令工具的清屏命令.DOS清屏指令:cls,linux清屏指令:clear继续访问.,Edit>ClearScrollback⌥⌘K(Alt+Cmd+K).Edit>ClearScreen⌃⌘L(Ctrl+Cmd+L).Ifyou'reusingiTerm:Edit>ClearBuffer⌘ ...,2022年2月6日—清空終端機·Mac.Command+KControl+L·Windows.Ctr...