Send Cloud Files from Google Drive and Dropbox ...



2 GB free cloud storage and file sharing

Cloud: Every email account comes with 2 GB of free storage in the cloud along with options to share files and cloud backup.

Cloud Drive to Mail

2018年3月9日 — This is a tool that allows you to send a mail with your Google Drive files using Gmail account. It's safe, fast and reliable.

Cloud Drive to Mail CRX for Chrome

This is a tool that allows you to send a mail with Google Drive files using your Gmail account. This app use a Google Apps Script hosting on Google clouds. It's ...

Cloud Drive™ to Mail

This is a tool that allows you to send a mail with Google Drive files using your Gmail account. This app use a Google Apps Script hosting on Google clouds.

Cloud Drive™ to Mail

This is a tool that allows you to send a mail with Google Drive files using your Gmail account. This app use a Google Apps Script hosting on Google clouds.

Personal Cloud Storage & File Sharing Platform

Learn about Google Drive's file sharing platform that provides a personal, secure cloud storage option to share content with other users.


Cloud:Everymail.comemailaccountcomeswith2GBoffreestorageinthecloudalongwithoptionstosharefilesandcloudbackup.,2018年3月9日—ThisisatoolthatallowsyoutosendamailwithyourGoogleDrivefilesusingGmailaccount.It'ssafe,fastandreliable.,ThisisatoolthatallowsyoutosendamailwithGoogleDrivefilesusingyourGmailaccount.ThisappuseaGoogleAppsScripthostingonGoogleclouds.It's ...,Thisisatoolthatallowsyoutosendamail...