
SynologyChatClient·SynologyCloudSyncDecryptionTool·SynologyDriveClient·SynologyHyperBackupExplorer·SynologyPrestoAutomator·Synology ...,2021年8月19日—ThemobileclientofDrivedoesn'tsyncaselectedNASfoldertothephone.Itgivesaccesstothe/home/Drivefolde...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Cloud Station Drive 說明

Synology Chat Client · Synology Cloud Sync Decryption Tool · Synology Drive Client · Synology Hyper Backup Explorer · Synology Presto Automator · Synology ...

Cloud Station to Synology Drive

2021年8月19日 — The mobile client of Drive doesn't sync a selected NAS folder to the phone. It gives access to the /home/Drive folder and any other Team folders ...

How to Setup Synology Drive Server and Drive Client

2021年10月4日 — Synology Drive is the successor to CloudStation, allowing you to store files in your own cloud. Anyone granted access can view and edit ...

Synology cloud station drive client

2023年7月12日 — #SYNOLOGY CLOUD STATION DRIVE VERSION CONTROL WINDOWS# If you want to create several Drive folders or synchronize other existing ones, click on ...

Synology Cloud Station

Provides live syncing status and progress on clients and Cloud Station server; Offers privilege settings that allow selected users to access files on the Cloud ...

Synology Cloud Station 傻傻的我總是分不清楚

2016年5月5日 — 在Cloud Station Backup client 端程式現在無法做到, 只能登入DSM UI ... 另外一個Cloud Station 相關的問題, Cloud Station Drive & backup 啟用SSL ...

Synology Drive Client (DSM 7.0) unable to connect to older ...

2021年9月27日 — Synology Drive Client (DSM 7.0) unable to connect to older Cloud Station Server (6.x). I have several Synology systems. Most are running ...

Synology Drive 與Cloud Station 的功能有何不同?

2022年7月18日 — 套件. Synology Drive Server. Cloud Station Server & ShareSync ; 桌面應用程式. Synology Drive Client. Cloud Station Drive & Cloud Station Backup.

Synology Mac Client Cloud Station

Cloud Station Backup is a free-to-use backup service that allows you to back up your files from multiple client computers to a centralized Synology NAS.


SynologyChatClient·SynologyCloudSyncDecryptionTool·SynologyDriveClient·SynologyHyperBackupExplorer·SynologyPrestoAutomator·Synology ...,2021年8月19日—ThemobileclientofDrivedoesn'tsyncaselectedNASfoldertothephone.Itgivesaccesstothe/home/DrivefolderandanyotherTeamfolders ...,2021年10月4日—SynologyDriveisthesuccessortoCloudStation,allowingyoutostorefilesinyourowncloud.Anyonegrantedaccesscanviewan...