How to remove Synology Cloud Station Drive for Mac OS X ...

2022年7月10日—UninstallSynologyDriveClientfromWindows·OpentheStartmenu,gotoControlPanel>Programs>Uninstallaprogram.·Right-clickon ...,2015年6月22日—Thereisn'taclearwaytouninstalltheSynologyCloudStationclientonUbuntufromtheGUI.Theonlywaysseemstobe...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How can I uninstall Synology Drive Client from my computer?

2022年7月10日 — Uninstall Synology Drive Client from Windows · Open the Start menu, go to Control Panel > Programs > Uninstall a program. · Right-click on ...

How To Uninstall Remove Synology Cloud Station On Ubuntu

2015年6月22日 — There isn't a clear way to uninstall the Synology Cloud Station client on Ubuntu from the GUI. The only ways seems to be from the command ...

How to uninstall Synology Cloud Station

2021年10月9日 — Go to start menu, search Creative Cloud, click unistall and in the pop up control panel search for Creative Cloud. Then just right click again ...

How to wipe all CloudStation data and start from scratch

2014年11月21日 — On the DSM, go to Cloudstation -> Settings -> Log Delete Rules -> Delete all logs; Copy the backup back into the user's Cloudstation folder ...

Synology Cloud Station

You can uninstall Synology Cloud Station from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel. On the Start menu (for ...

Synology Cloud Station Drive

You can uninstall Synology Cloud Station Drive from your computer by using the Add/Remove Program feature in the Window's Control Panel. On the ...

Synology Cloud Station Drive (remove only)

Synology Cloud Station Drive (remove only) is a Shareware software in the category Miscellaneous developed by Synology, Inc.. It was checked for updates 94 ...

Uninstall Synology Cloud Station from Mac

2012年6月6日 — Uninstall Synology Cloud Station from Mac · 1- Alt + Go Library on the finder to access user/library · 2- search cloud · 3- find synology cloud ...


2022年7月10日—UninstallSynologyDriveClientfromWindows·OpentheStartmenu,gotoControlPanel>Programs>Uninstallaprogram.·Right-clickon ...,2015年6月22日—Thereisn'taclearwaytouninstalltheSynologyCloudStationclientonUbuntufromtheGUI.Theonlywaysseemstobefromthecommand ...,2021年10月9日—Gotostartmenu,searchCreativeCloud,clickunistallandinthepopupcontrolpanelsearchforCreativeCloud.Thenjustrightcli...