

Clover 3. 为您的Windows Explorer 插上翅膀! Clover 是Windows Explorer 资源管理器的一个扩展,为其增加类似谷歌Chrome 浏览器的多标签页功能。 free download.

Clover Brings Chrome-Style Tabs to Windows Explorer.

Clover is an extension of the Windows Explorer, to add multi-tab functionality similar to Google Chrome browser. After install Clover, you will be able to open ...


一,Clover 是Windows Explorer 资源管理器的一个扩展,为其增加类似谷歌Chrome 浏览器的多标签页功能。下载网站http://cn.ejie.me/. 二、样式.

Clover for Windows

With Clover, you can open multiple folders within the same window. This utility application displays your folders in a browser-like tab to make your ...

Download Clover 3.0.386 for Windows

Clover is an office and productivity program by EJIE Technology that can help you manage the folders and/or documents in your computer.

Download Clover

Clover adds free multi-tab functionality to Windows Explorer, similar to your web browser. This functionality allows you to open multiple folders within the ...

Clover 会员版

Clover是Windows Explorer资源管理器的一个扩展,为其增加多标签页的功能。通过插件形式集成到Windows Explorer,让操作系统无缝集成。按Ctrl+D添加当前路径或直接将文件 ...

Clover 3.5.6 中文版- 檔案總管多頁面改造工具

檔案總管多頁面改造工具- Clover,是Windows檔案總管功能增強外掛,能夠將檔案總管改造成類似Google Chrome瀏覽器的多頁籤樣式,每個分頁下也會多出書籤 ...

windoes 10 clover file explorer

Clover is a free, open-source file manager built on the foundation of the popular open-source project QTTabBar. It seamlessly integrates into ...

Is Clover 3.5.4 safe? : rWindows10

Clover is by far the best Windows Explorer addon as it doesn't give you the fancy stuffs that you don't need. It's light weight and pretty much ...


Clover3.为您的WindowsExplorer插上翅膀!Clover是WindowsExplorer资源管理器的一个扩展,为其增加类似谷歌Chrome浏览器的多标签页功能。freedownload.,CloverisanextensionoftheWindowsExplorer,toaddmulti-tabfunctionalitysimilartoGoogleChromebrowser.AfterinstallClover,youwillbeabletoopen ...,一,Clover是WindowsExplorer资源管理器的一个扩展,为其增加类似谷歌Chrome浏览器的多标签页功能。下载网站http://cn.ejie...