The My Nintendo Scam..

Wewantedtoletyouknowthatyourrewardorderhasbeenshipped.YourrewardorderwasshippedviaUSMailandwilltake4-10businessdays ...,Information;StandardShipping*;UPSGround,$6.99,1-3BusinessDays,2-5BusinessDays,3-9BusinessDays.,Mine:GoldNunchuck:Shippedsameda...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Club Nintendo 2012 Rewards begin to ship!!! [news]

We wanted to let you know that your reward order has been shipped. Your reward order was shipped via US Mail and will take 4-10 business days ...

My Nintendo Store Order Support

Information ; Standard Shipping* ; UPS Ground, $6.99, 1-3 Business Days, 2-5 Business Days, 3-9 Business Days.

Shipping time for Club Nintendo items. Please post

Mine: Gold Nunchuck: Shipped same day. Kirby Patches: Shipped 2 days after order. Mario shirt: Shipped 1 week after order

Club Nintendo FAQ

And these shipping services are not cheap. - Fly there and get it yourself. Plan a month's long vacation so that you can time it to get it any time you want.

Delivery Information

Standard Delivery (2-3 Working Days) - FREE when you spend over £20. Please allow 2-3 working days for delivery (no deliveries take place on a Sunday or Bank ...

Got Some My Nintendo Store Rewards - Hyrule Blog

So, for three free items you have spent the full shipping costs for each single item and Nintendo will send them to you in three separate ...

Adventure Time - Club Nintendo Pin# Rewards : insert Only

供應中 Adventure Time - Nintendo 3DS - Club Nintendo Pin# Rewards : insert Only ; Returns. Accepted within 30 days. Buyer pays return shipping. If you use an eBay ...

Brand New - CLUB NINTENDO REWARDS 2014 Calendar

供應中 Est. delivery. Sat, Mar 1 - Wed, Mar 5. From Jersey City, New Jersey, United States ; Returns. Accepted within 30 days. Seller pays return shipping ; Detailed ...

I ordered stuff with My Nintendo Rewards but it never arrived

I ordered a keychain and a notebook with my points, paid for the shipment and waited. It said it would take from 1 to 3 days but I waited a bit longer.

my first point redemption! How long does shipping usually take?

7 天前 · Wow, you had a lot of points! I usually get my stuff in one week or less.


Wewantedtoletyouknowthatyourrewardorderhasbeenshipped.YourrewardorderwasshippedviaUSMailandwilltake4-10businessdays ...,Information;StandardShipping*;UPSGround,$6.99,1-3BusinessDays,2-5BusinessDays,3-9BusinessDays.,Mine:GoldNunchuck:Shippedsameday.KirbyPatches:Shipped2daysafterorder.Marioshirt:Shipped1weekafterorder,Andtheseshippingservicesarenotcheap.-Flythereandgetityourself.Planamonth'slong...