任天堂公布次世代遊戲機 Nintendo Switch!家用主機一秒變平板,還能四人連線同樂

任天堂公布次世代遊戲機 Nintendo Switch!家用主機一秒變平板,還能四人連線同樂

任天堂今日(10/20)公布代號 NX 的次世代主機首支預告影片,除了確認正式名稱為 Nintendo Switch,也可以看到這款新主機的特色。Nintendo Switch 融合家用與行動遊戲機的設計,除了可以用一般的遊戲方式,透過手把在電視上享受高畫質的遊戲體驗,出門時只要將帶有大螢幕的平板主機自底座中抽出,並將手把一分為二裝在平版兩側,Nintendo Switch 瞬間...

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Nintendo Switch

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One controller or two, vertical or sideways, motion controls or buttons…Joy‑Con and Nintendo Switch give you total gameplay flexibility. Games come to life through easy-to-use motion controls and HD rumble—advanced vibration features built into each Joy‑C

Nintendo Switch|任天堂(香港)有限公司

加入「Nintendo Switch」專用網上服務(付費),也可和遠方的朋友或全世界的玩家進行對戰及協力遊戲。 與智慧型手機專用應用程式進行連動,可和朋友約見,也可一邊 ...

Nintendo Switch 首發遊戲《1-2

3 天前 - 任天堂開發,預定3 月3 日隨新主機「Nintendo Switch(NS)」同步推出的NS 趣味小遊戲合輯《1-2-Switch》,近日在官方網站公布了更多收錄小遊戲的 ...

NS / Nintendo Switch 哈啦板

本版歡迎各位帶著輕鬆的態度與大家一同討論有關於Nintendo Switch 主機的事物,發文前請先觀覽本板板規避免不必要的麻煩,感謝各位。 本版目前正在大量徵求 ...

Nintendo Switch world premier demonstrates new entertainment experiences from a home gaming system

In an introductory video released today (http://www.nintendo.com/switch), Nintendo provided the first glimpse of its new home gaming system and revealed that it is called Nintendo Switch. In addition to providing single and multiplayer thrills at home, th

Switch Games

Nintendo Switch Super Bomberman R Releases Mar 3, 2017 Nintendo Switch The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Releases Mar 3, 2017 Nintendo Switch Games Coming Soon Wii U Wii Nintendo 3DS Nintendo DS Explore More Game Guide All Mario ...

First Look at Nintendo Switch

Introducing Nintendo Switch! In addition to providing single and multiplayer thrills at home, the Nintendo Switch system also enables gamers to play the same title wherever, whenever and with whomever they choose. The mobility of a handheld is now added t


任天堂Switch(日语:ニンテンドースイッチ,英语:Nintendo Switch,代号NX)是任天堂的新一代電子遊戲機,將於2017年3月3日在日本、北美、歐洲和香港發售,擁有可 ...

Nintendo Switch™ - Official site

Find out about the Nintendo Switch system, a gaming console you can play both at home and on-the-go. Watch videos, learn about the games, and buy your system.

Nintendo reveals plans for Nintendo Switch presentation

In a presentation to financial analysts today in Tokyo, Nintendo Co., Ltd. president Tatsumi Kimishima announced that major details regarding the company’s new Nintendo Switch home gaming system will be shared at the Nintendo Switch Presentation 2017. Thi