oneplus one how to install color os camera and plugins no root

Download:ColorOSCamerapluginColorfulFiltersAPK(App)-VariousFiltersAPK-✓LatestVersion:2.0.f18f4e1.161028-Updated:2023 ...,Download:ColorOSCamerapluginColorfulNightAPK(App)-ColorfulNightAPK-✓。參考影片的文章的如下:


ColorOS Camera plugin Colorful Filters APK (Android App)

Download: ColorOS Camera plugin Colorful Filters APK (App) - Various Filters APK - ✓ Latest Version: 2.0.f18f4e1.161028 - Updated: 2023 ...

ColorOS Camera plugin ColorfulNight APK (Android App)

Download: ColorOS Camera plugin ColorfulNight APK (App) - Colorful Night APK - ✓ Latest Version: 2.0.a8ec8e9.161028 - Updated: 2023 - ...

ColorOS Camera成功移植到CM11S

想要用到plugin, 要先install plugin的apk, 之後才install camera apk才可. 希望下一版本可以解決以上的bug, 和用到所有plugin啦! 出左BETA3, 可以裝多過5個plugin了!

Can anyone share Oppo ColorOS Camera Plugin setup??

I have Oppo v2 camera software, but can't find Plugin setup!! Please help..

Camera plugin does not capture image on Android 31(12)

2024年2月4日 — The takePicture() method cannot complete the image on camera without giving. Actual results. As in previous versions, the result would be, get ...

Color OS camera plugins

2015年7月15日 — Color OS camera plugins. Tech Support. I've installed the latest colour os apk + plugins on my oneplus (cms12) and everything installs fine, but ...


- Virtual VENICE that simulates the color science, gamma, filmback, camera parameters and functions of the real VENICE series. - Simulate distortion and ...

[MOD] ColorOS Camera MOD (OppoCamera MOD)

2015年1月14日 — PasserBy plugin. When you want somebody (a friend or a passer-by) to take a picture of you with a specific landscape as a background (to make ...

[PORT][05232015][V 2.0] ColorOS Camera

2015年5月24日 — Hi Guys, ColorOS camera is a really good camera app coming from oppo find7 device. It include a lot of features using plugins. Actually a port ...


Download:ColorOSCamerapluginColorfulFiltersAPK(App)-VariousFiltersAPK-✓LatestVersion:2.0.f18f4e1.161028-Updated:2023 ...,Download:ColorOSCamerapluginColorfulNightAPK(App)-ColorfulNightAPK-✓ ...,想要用到plugin,要先installplugin的apk,之後才installcameraapk才可.希望下一版本可以解決以上的bug,和用到所有plugin啦!出左BETA3,可以裝多過5...