
Combat Hospital

Combat Hospital is a medical drama television series, filmed in Toronto, that debuted on Global in Canada and ABC in the United States on June 21, 2011.

Combat Hospital (TV Series 2011) - Episode list

A highly-trained trauma surgeon, and Captain Bobby Trang, a brand-new doctor, report for duty at the NATO Role 3 Multinational Medical Unit at Kandahar ...

Combat Hospital: Season 1

A fictional medical procedural set in 2006 at the only military hospital providing advanced surgical care in all of Southern Afghanistan.

Combat Hospital

Season 1. EPISODE 1. Welcome to Kandahar. It's 2006: Major Rebecca Gordon, a highly trained trauma surgeon, and Captain Bobby Trang, a brand-new doctor, report ...

Amazon.com: Combat Hospital

評分 4.4 (197) A fictional medical procedural set at the only military hospitalproviding advanced surgical care in all of Southern Afghanistan,2006.

Watch Combat Hospital Season 1 | Prime Video

評分 4.3 (197) An international team of doctors, nurses and medics deliver the best battlefield surgical care anywhere to wounded soldiers, civilians caught in the crossfire, ...

Combat Hospital - Se1 - Ep01

Medical Trauma Level One Trauma Hospital Documentary HD · gürer ... (1X2) ~ 68 Whiskey Season 1 Episode 2 : Finger Lickin' Good · (+) 68 ...

Combat Hospital (TV Series 2011)

評分 7.3/10 (2,410) Portrays doctors and nurses from Canada, the U.S., the U.K. and other allied countries saving lives and limbs in a war zone military hospital modeled on a real ...

Combat Hospital Season 1

評分 7.3/10 (2,410) An international team of doctors, nurses and medics deliver the best battlefield surgical care anywhere to wounded soldiers, civilians caught in the crossfire, ...

Combat Hospital: Season 1

評分 43% (14) Attempting to be a dramatic medical serial, Combat Hospital is instead comical, combining clichés with a blithe approach to the subject matter.


CombatHospitalisamedicaldramatelevisionseries,filmedinToronto,thatdebutedonGlobalinCanadaandABCintheUnitedStatesonJune21,2011.,Ahighly-trainedtraumasurgeon,andCaptainBobbyTrang,abrand-newdoctor,reportfordutyattheNATORole3MultinationalMedicalUnitatKandahar ...,Afictionalmedicalproceduralsetin2006attheonlymilitaryhospitalprovidingadvancedsurgicalcareinallofSouthernAfghanistan.,Season1.EPISODE1.W...