評分 4.0 (172) · 免費 · 下載Firefox 上的Copyfish。Do you need to extract text from images, videos or PDF? If yes, then the Copyfish free OCR software is for you.
Copy, paste and translate text from any image, video or PDF. Do you need to extract text from images, videos or PDF? If yes, then the Copyfish Screenshot ...
Copyfish turns text within any image captured from your screen into an editable format without retyping – making it easy to reuse in digital documents, emails ...
Copy, paste and translate text from any image, video or PDF. Do you need to extract text from images, videos or PDF? If yes, then the Copyfish free OCR ...
The Copyfish Screenshot Reader turns text within any image captured from your screen into an editable format without retyping – making it easy to reuse in ...