
2017年7月1日—@AdanMacielCrapweaselbasicallymeansastrangerwhocomesinandstealsthegirlorguywhorecentlybecameavailableandyouwantedfor ...,2020年8月3日—it'safunnynonsenseword.itcanbeusedasanexpression,likeCoño!.itcanalsomeanaveryunpleasantperson.he'ssuchacrapweasel!,2014年8月10日—Idon'tthinkitreallymeansanything,Twinklestar.Here'sthefirstdefinitionfromtheUrbanDictionary:,1.Onewhoskillfullycheats,us...

"crap weasel"是什麼意思?

2017年7月1日 — @AdanMaciel Crapweasel basically means a stranger who comes in and steals the girl or guy who recently became available and you wanted for ...


2020年8月3日 — it's a funny nonsense word. it can be used as an expression, like Coño!. it can also mean a very unpleasant person. he's such a crapweasel!

crap weasel

2014年8月10日 — I don't think it really means anything, Twinklestar. Here's the first definition from the Urban Dictionary:


1. One who skillfully cheats, usually a board games. 2. One who challenges novices to games he has mastered, and beats them, showing no mercy.


Listen to Crapweasel by Diarmaid O Meara. See lyrics and music videos, find Diarmaid O Meara tour dates, buy concert tickets, and more!

CRAPWEASL - 精華區Eng-Class

2004年7月31日 — 為什麼會稱人crapweasel? 這代表什麼意思? 是罵人嗎-- ※ 發信站: 批踢踢實業坊(

What's the origin of "crapweasel"?

2020年5月10日 — Green's Dictionary of Slang defines crapweasel 'an irritatingly stupid or deceitful person'. According to Barry Popik's website, ...

What's the origin of “crapweasel”?

2020年5月9日 — In various forms (bole, bul, bull), it was used to describe falsehoods and worthless nonsense and hot air, probably descending to Modern English ...


2008年8月26日 — 老友迷们注意啦。“crap-weasel” 还记得老友记第一季第七集中Ross对意大利帅哥Paul说的:“you are a crap-weasel”。翻译成了250.