LearnfromFallen,S1MPLE&OtherPROSwithMasterclassCourses&ExclusiveContentfor$9.99/Month.,CL_RADAR_ICON_SCALE_MIN.Thiscommandchangesthesizeofyourdotontheradar.Itvariesfrom0.4to1.Thedefaultvalueis0.6,butthe ...,Toaccesstheradarparameters,gotoSettings...。參考影片的文章的如下:



Learn from Fallen, S1MPLE & Other PROS with Masterclass Courses & Exclusive Content for $9.99/Month.

CS2 (CS:GO) Radar Settings Guide

CL_RADAR_ICON_SCALE_MIN. This command changes the size of your dot on the radar. It varies from 0.4 to 1. The default value is 0.6, but the ...

Find Your Way With The Best CSGO Radar Settings

To access the radar parameters, go to Settings menu, switch to Game tab and go to Radar / Tablet section, further away from CSGO HUD settings. ...

Radar & Minimap Settings Guide for CS2 & CS

Find your optimal and best radar/minimap settings with a few simple commands. The guide is kept short and formatted for easy copy and paste.

Best CS2 Radar Settings Guide

You can change the radar settings in three ways. The first way is to go to the in-game Settings -> Game -> Radar. The second option is to copy/paste the ...

CS2 Radar Settings Guide | DMarket

The general idea for the best CS2 radar settings is to decrease the zoom to see a bigger piece of the map and scale up the radar HUD size to make the elements ... What You Need to Change in... · The Best Radar Settings for CS2

CS:GO Radar Settings Guide 2025

In this radar settings guide for CS:GO, we will go through how to customize the radar for better visibility and overview. We will explain the different ...

CSGO - The Best Radar Settings Guide in 2020

Learn how to customize your radar settings in CSGO and use your new custom radar to your advantage.

Best Csgo Radar Settings

If you're looking to bet on esports and traditional sports, you've come to the right place. Rivalry is the best betting site out there, made by gamers, ...

How to get the best radar settings in CS2

You can change your radar settings in the settings menu. Here click game, and then the radar tab. Here you can change how the radar looks.


LearnfromFallen,S1MPLE&OtherPROSwithMasterclassCourses&ExclusiveContentfor$9.99/Month.,CL_RADAR_ICON_SCALE_MIN.Thiscommandchangesthesizeofyourdotontheradar.Itvariesfrom0.4to1.Thedefaultvalueis0.6,butthe ...,Toaccesstheradarparameters,gotoSettingsmenu,switchtoGametabandgotoRadar/Tabletsection,furtherawayfromCSGOHUDsettings. ...,Findyouroptimalandbestradar/minimapsettingswithafewsimpleco...