
Curve text around a circle or other shape

Create curved or circular WordArt · Go to Insert > WordArt. · Pick the WordArt style you want. Insert tab with the WordArt option highlighted. · Type your text.

How to Curve Text in Microsoft Word

2023年4月23日 — Highlight the text you want to curve. · Go to the “Insert” tab on the Ribbon. · In the “Text” section, click the “WordArt” button. · Select the ...

How To Curve Text in Microsoft Word With 3 Methods (Plus ...

2022年6月24日 — Select Format or Shape Format and then click the Text Effects icon. After selecting Transform, select Curve: Up or Curve: Down ...

How to Curve Text in Word? 2 Easy Ways

First, navigate to Insert and insert a WordArt style. Type in your desired text. Then, to curve the text in Word, select the text and navigate to Shape Format > ...

How to Type Following a Curve in Microsoft Word 2010

Click and hold the green dot at the top of the text box, and then move the mouse around to rotate the curve. 9. Click and hold the squares on the edges of the ...


CreatecurvedorcircularWordArt·GotoInsert>WordArt.·PicktheWordArtstyleyouwant.InserttabwiththeWordArtoptionhighlighted.·Typeyourtext.,2023年4月23日—Highlightthetextyouwanttocurve.·Gotothe“Insert”tabontheRibbon.·Inthe“Text”section,clickthe“WordArt”button.·Selectthe ...,2022年6月24日—SelectFormatorShapeFormatandthenclicktheTextEffectsicon.AfterselectingTransform,selectCurve:UporCurve:Down ...,...