How To Restore iOS 10.x With Cydia Eraser

2021年4月25日—RunCydiaEraser>Taptheoption,DeleteAllDataandUnjailbreakDevice>DeleteAll.CydiaEraser.Thenitwilltakeminutestorestore ...,CydiaEraserisatoolwhichhasonlyonefeature:toremoveandrevertallchangesmadetothedeviceandreturnittostockAppleiOSsoft...。參考影片的文章的如下:


4 Proven Ways to Delete Cydia on iPhone (iOS 17 ...

2021年4月25日 — Run Cydia Eraser > Tap the option, Delete All Data and Unjailbreak Device > Delete All. Cydia Eraser. Then it will take minutes to restore ...

Cydia Eraser

Cydia Eraser is a tool which has only one feature: to remove and revert all changes made to the device and return it to stock Apple iOS software without ...

Cydia Eraser For iOS 10.2, 10.2.1, 10.3.3 Jailbreak Released

2017年10月27日 — You can now download Cydia Eraser tool for iOS 10.2, 10.2.1 and iOS 10.3.3 jailbreak. Here are the details.

Cydia Eraser: How to Remove Cydia from iPhoneiPad

Are you looking for Cydia eraser? Here, in this post, we have covered various methods you can try to delete Cydia from your iPhone/iPad without much hassle.

iOS11越獄重刷工具教學:SemiRestore11 刷回原廠乾淨iOS ...

Saurik 所推出的 Cydia Eraser 越獄狀態重置系統工具無計劃在iOS 11 上支援後,Electra 越獄團隊也完全沒閒下來,替我們推出了一款能讓iOS 11 越獄後還可刷回最乾淨 ...

Saurik Planning on a Cydia Eraser Update for iOS 11

For those that may not know, Cydia Eraser is a very handy tool used by jailbreakers to remove any trace of Cydia, revert the operating system ...

[News] Saurik working on Cydia Eraser for iOS 11.

2018年12月31日 — It needs a snapshot, snapshot isn't stock in all cases and it doesn't restore /var, Cydia Eraser is just a better tool altogether.

[Q&A] Cydia Eraser 各種常見錯誤解決方法全收錄

Cydia Eraser 到目前依舊還是有不少舊版iOS 越獄用戶再使用,這款工具是由 Cydia之父Saurik 所推出,是一款能夠刪除越獄環境的工具,要特別注意這款工具是會直接重置 ...

[Tutorial] How to make Cydia Eraser work on iOS 10.3.x

2018年2月26日 — Cydia Eraser could open on my iphone 6 ios 10.3.3 with G0blin RC2 Jailbreak. However, when I was erasing , it crashed again after 5-10 minutes.


2021年4月25日—RunCydiaEraser>Taptheoption,DeleteAllDataandUnjailbreakDevice>DeleteAll.CydiaEraser.Thenitwilltakeminutestorestore ...,CydiaEraserisatoolwhichhasonlyonefeature:toremoveandrevertallchangesmadetothedeviceandreturnittostockAppleiOSsoftwarewithout ...,2017年10月27日—YoucannowdownloadCydiaErasertoolforiOS10.2,10.2.1andiOS10.3.3jailbreak.Herearethedetails.,AreyoulookingforCydiaer...

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學

iOS 4.3.3 redsn0w 0.9.6rc16 JB教學



