Configuração DCS-932L Cloud mydlink - Snapshot via e

2023年7月21日—Thissectionallowsyoutoconfiguretheemailnotificationsettingsforyourcamera.Forexample,ifyouwanttouseGmailbySSL-TLSfor ...,,OnceyouhaveaccesstotheDCS-932LviaWebaccess,clickon“SETUP”.Ifyou...Clickon“SaveSettings”.Oncethishasbeensetup,we...。參考影片的文章的如下:


D-Link DCS

2023年7月21日 — This section allows you to configure the email notification settings for your camera. For example, if you want to use Gmail by SSL-TLS for ...

How to Setup Send Mail and Motion Detection

Once you have access to the DCS-932L via Web access, click on “SETUP”. If you ... Click on “Save Settings”. Once this has been setup, we now need to configure our ...

Microsoft Community

I'll post these specific settings for my brand... Dlink Security Camera - DCS-932L. The camera works with security software from DLINK, but the camera can also ...

Setup > Mail; Email Account - D-Link DCS

D-Link DCS-932L Manual Online: setup > mail, Email Account. This Section Allows You To Configure The Email Notification Settings For Your Camera.


D-Link DCS-932L User Manual. Table of Contents ... section allows you to configure the email notification settings ... After you have completed the setup of the DCS ...


2010年12月28日 — DCS-932L會自動建立無線連線至您的路由器,當連線時,在攝影機上的綠色LED會閃. 爍,之後攝影機會重新開機。 WPS - Push 按鈕設定. WPS.按鈕. 您亦可使用 ...


2023年7月21日—Thissectionallowsyoutoconfiguretheemailnotificationsettingsforyourcamera.Forexample,ifyouwanttouseGmailbySSL-TLSfor ...,,OnceyouhaveaccesstotheDCS-932LviaWebaccess,clickon“SETUP”.Ifyou...Clickon“SaveSettings”.Oncethishasbeensetup,wenowneedtoconfigureour ...,I'llpostthesespecificsettingsformybrand...DlinkSecurityCamera-DCS-932L.ThecameraworkswithsecuritysoftwarefromDLINK,butthecam...