Ports u Need to Forward in D-Link Router to ...

clickontheAdvancedtab(#1below).·ClickthecheckboxnexttothefirstopenvirtualserverentryandfillintheNameforthisservice.·Entertheport ...,DLinkPortForwardingSetup(VirtualServer)·ClickontheEnabledradiobutton·ChooseaNameforthisservice.·EntertheIPaddress...。參考影片的文章的如下:


D-Link port forwarding | DIR-615 | DIR-825 | DIR

click on the Advanced tab (#1 below). · Click the check box next to the first open virtual server entry and fill in the Name for this service. · Enter the port ...

DLink Port Forwarding Setup (Virtual Server)

DLink Port Forwarding Setup (Virtual Server) · Click on the Enabled radio button · Choose a Name for this service. · Enter the IP address of your DVR or ...

How to access my DCS

Set the port as the same number of your forwarding port on router. DCS-6517 FAQ Step 4: Use a PC connects with different network. Fill in the address below in ...

How to Open a Port in Your Router for D-Link DCS

2024年2月29日 — Begin by logging in to your router. Locate your routers port forwarding section. Put your camera's IP address in the proper box in your router.

Port Forwarding - D

Router Port Forwarding Guide. Step 1: Open your web browser and enter router's IP address ( by default) in the address bar.

Port Forwarding to a Camera or Recorder from ​D

To port forward your D-Link router, open your browser and type in your IP address and hit enter. If you do not know your IP Address, go to the computer's Run ...

Using Port Forwarding to Access a Camera from the Internet

2014年2月8日 — Log into the D-Link network camera web UI from a PC web browser on the same LAN as the camera · Navigate to SETUP > Network Settings > PORT ...

[抱怨][不喜勿入] D-LINK DCS

2012年8月16日 — UPnP port forwards seem to overwrite static port forwards set here. If your static port forwarding is important, turn off UPnP. 0. 評分. 取消 ...

請教一般常見ip cam(d

2021年1月24日 — 不需要用到DMZ,用Port Forwarding就好. NAS可以讀取遠端IP CAM,因為我用過,確定沒有問題.


clickontheAdvancedtab(#1below).·ClickthecheckboxnexttothefirstopenvirtualserverentryandfillintheNameforthisservice.·Entertheport ...,DLinkPortForwardingSetup(VirtualServer)·ClickontheEnabledradiobutton·ChooseaNameforthisservice.·EntertheIPaddressofyourDVRor ...,Settheportasthesamenumberofyourforwardingportonrouter.DCS-6517FAQStep4:UseaPCconnectswithdifferentnetwork.Fillintheaddressbelowin ...,...