
Logitech Darkfield Laser Tracking > Microsoft BlueTrack Technology?

With Logitech® Darkfield Laser Tracking™, you can use your mouse virtually anywhere you want – including clear glass (that's at least 4 mm thick) ...

Microsoft BlueTrack to replace laser and optical sensors in mice

BlueTrack promises to provide the precision of laser sensors with the tracking capability of optical mice. Microsoft says that its BlueTrack ...

PC mouse

Logitech Dark Field - apparently, works anywhere. I've used one on glass and currently on a wood/black surface. No complaints.

BlueTrack vs. Laser: Unusual Surfaces

BlueTrack works much better than the laser mouse on clear glass, but it still isn't a good experience. Carpet, Faux Wool Blanket. The 4000's box specifically ...

Mouse Wars: BlueTrack vs. Darkfield - Back Page News

Microsoft's BlueTrack mice are designed to work on any surface?well any surface except glass or mirrors.

Microsoft BlueTrack technology on cotton surfaces

While BlueTrack is less likely to fail to track with most fabrics than red LED or laser, a surface that appears too dark to the sensor is likely ...

bluetrack or laser? - Input devices

Bluetrack does not work on glass. the Darkfield uses 2 laser pointed at an angle, and they have a darkfield (light blocker of some sort) ...

Logitech Anywhere MX Darkfield VS Microsft Explorer Touch Blue ...

The Darkfield is a more superior as it is able to work on any surface include clear glass (at least 4mm thick), while the Blue Track works on all surface, ...

Logitech Anywhere MX Mouse review

評分 7.7/10 · Justin Yu · Darkfield tracks on almost all surfaces, including nonmirrored glass--a surface where even Microsoft's BlueTrack doesn't work. The mouse also ...

Microsoft blue track optical sensor vs a laser sensor for gaming.

Microsoft blue track optical sensor vs a laser sensor for gaming. Question. So I know that the laser sensors arent the best for gaming or on ...


WithLogitech®DarkfieldLaserTracking™,youcanuseyourmousevirtuallyanywhereyouwant–includingclearglass(that'satleast4mmthick) ...,BlueTrackpromisestoprovidetheprecisionoflasersensorswiththetrackingcapabilityofopticalmice.MicrosoftsaysthatitsBlueTrack ...,LogitechDarkField-apparently,worksanywhere.I'veusedoneonglassandcurrentlyonawood/blacksurface.Nocomplaints.,BlueTrackworksmuchbetterthanthelaser...