
Don'thaveanaccountyet?CreateanewaccountortryoutDatawrapperwithoutsigningup.ByusingDatawrapperyouagreetoourTermsofUse.,Get,updateanddeletefolders,usersandteams.Retrievelistsofrecentlyeditedandupdatedcharts.Accessmetadataaboutyouraccount.,Datawrapperisaweb-basedtoolforthefastcreationofcharts,maps,andtables.It'susedbynewsmedia,thinktanks,universities,governments, ...,DatawrapperCharts.Anotherfree...


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datawrapper — Datawrapper

Get, update and delete folders, users and teams. Retrieve lists of recently edited and updated charts. Access metadata about your account.

Utility functions developed for Datawrapper

Datawrapper is a web-based tool for the fast creation of charts, maps, and tables. It's used by news media, think tanks, universities, governments, ...

Datawrapper Charts

Datawrapper Charts. Another free and collaborative tool for creating interactive charts is Datawrapper, which has several advantages over Google Sheets.


Product. Datawrapper lets you show your data as beautiful charts, maps or tables with a few clicks. Find out more about all the available visualization types.