
5天前·asetofpleasantthoughtsaboutsomethingthatyouwouldliketodoorachieve,butwhichisnotlikely:IhadadaydreamthatI'd ...,DAYDREAM翻譯:美夢,幻想,白日夢。了解更多。,Ifsomeonehastheirheadintheclouds,they'redaydreaming.如果有人「headintheclouds」,代表他們在做白日夢。,在AppleMusic上聆聽Aimer的《daydream》-2016年・13首歌曲・長度:57分鐘.,評分5.0(1,067)歡迎來到Daydream白日夢☁【能下單都是現貨唷】,【...


5 天前 · a set of pleasant thoughts about something that you would like to do or achieve, but which is not likely: I had a daydream that I'd ...



daydream (【動詞】) 意思、用法及發音

If someone has their head in the clouds, they're daydreaming.如果有人「head in the clouds」,代表他們在做白日夢。

daydream - Aimer的專輯

在Apple Music 上聆聽Aimer的《daydream》- 2016年・13 首歌曲・長度:57 分鐘.

Daydream 白日夢, 線上商店

評分 5.0 (1,067) 歡迎來到Daydream 白日夢☁ 【能下單都是現貨唷】,【只賣現貨不賣預購】 【完售商品皆會補貨】,【補貨公告請看IG】 ☁賣場售價皆含5%營業稅附發票,請安心購買☁ 賣場滿額 ...


daydream · n. 白日夢,空想[C] · vi. 做白日夢,耽於空想 ...

Daydream-歌詞-Various Artists

Daydream I fell asleep amid the flowers for a couple of hours on a beautiful day. Daydream I dreamed of you amid the flowers for a couple of hours

ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) 'Daydream' Official Track Video

ENHYPEN (엔하이픈) 'Daydream' Official Track Video Credits: Directed by SOZE c BELIFT LAB Inc. All Rights Reserved Connect with ENHYPEN ...

Google Daydream

Daydream(意為「白日夢」)是一個虛擬實境(VR)平台,由Google為第七代Android行動作業系統——Android Nougat開發。最初於2016年5月舉行的Google I/O開發者大會上宣布,首 ...