Nexus 接班人 Google Pixel、Google Pixel XL 手機 5 大特點解析

Nexus 接班人 Google Pixel、Google Pixel XL 手機 5 大特點解析

剛剛的Google發表會上最重要的產品莫過於Google Pixel手機,除了會搭載最新的Android 7.1系統外,這次有5個重要的整合,包括Google Assistant數位助理服務、相片拍攝、雲端空間、Google Due視訊,以及VR。Google Pixel共會有2種版本,分別是5吋與5.5吋,顏色則有黑色、銀色以及特別的藍色。 ...

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Google Pixel

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Pixel, Phone by Google

Choose from a customized Live Case with a matching live wallpaper or one designed with Google Earth and Google Trends. Or grab the Pixel Case by Google, built for protection and featuring a range of bright, bold colors.

只輸效能?Google Pixel 這7 點大勝iPhone 7!

2016年10月6日 - Google 推出的全新Android 手機Pixel 與Pixel XL,被認為是少數能與iPhone 7 對抗的Android 旗艦機種。儘管在效能上依舊不如iPhone 7 誇張的 ...

Google Pixel XL 128GB 價格,規格與評價

Google Pixel XL 128GB 搭載5.5 吋FHD 螢幕,覆蓋康寧第四代玻璃,配備指紋辨識功能,給予快速解鎖、更安全的資料防護。Google Pixel XL 128GB 內建3450mAh ...

玻璃和金屬混搭,Google Pixel 實機動眼看(開箱、評價、規格)

2016年10月5日 - 雖然在發表之前就幾乎被爆料到沒有秘密,但Google Pixel、Pixel XL 雙機正式發表時,還是成為了外界的矚目焦點。不過我們這邊不談 Google Pixel ...

Google Pixel – Deals, Contract, Upgrades & Sim Free

Looking for the best Google Pixel Mobile Phone deals, contracts and upgrades? We compare the UK's widest range of networks. And if you find it cheaper ...

Tech Specs – Pixel, Phone by Google

Google’s devices meet the hearing aid compatibility (HAC) requirements set by the Federal Communications Commission (FCC). Search for answers. Learn more about your Pixel and find answers to common questions by searching. Help Center Follow us on ...

Pixel C

Pixel C is a powerfully fast, ultra-portable tablet with a sharp, bright display that’s great for gaming. Enjoy free shipping on all orders. Learn more ...

Google Pixel review

Our Verdict The Google Pixel is an excellent flagship phone that's only let down by mediocre battery life and the still-developing Assistant. If you can stomach the price point, the Pixel is a breath of fresh Google air in a world of Android over-comp

Shop Pixel, Chromecast, and more at Google Store

Official Google Store for Google devices and accessories. Buy Pixel, Google Home, Daydream View, Chromecast, Google Wifi, Pixel C, Android Wear, Nest, and more! ... You can’t add this phone unless it has the same device protection choice as other phones i

Pixel - The First Phone by Google

Pixel and Pixel XL bring the power of Google to your fingertips. Pixel brings you the Google Assistant and provides a clean, bloat-free experience with no unwanted apps. ... World-wide network/carrier compatibility with: 1 GSM: Quad-band GSM UMTS/WCDMA :