
defriend在線翻譯- 英語

defriend. 英 [diː'frɛnd] 美 [diː'frɛnd]. v. 解除好友關係,刪除好友. defriend的相關資料:. 臨近單詞. def defog. 單詞defriend 的詞典定義。@海詞詞典-最好的學習型詞典.


DEFRIEND的意思、解釋及翻譯:1. to remove someone from your list of friends on a social networking website: 2. to remove…。了解更多。



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to remove (a person) from the list of one's friends on a social networking site. Collins English Dictionary. Copyright © HarperCollins Publishers ...

DEFRIEND Definition & Meaning

So: Tell him goodbye, defriend him on social media, delete his number, tell his mom you're still extremely fond of her and you'd like to schedule a catching-up ...


分享一個難過的字:defriend defriend 就是「在網路社交平臺上將某人從好友名單上去除」 defriend 跟unfriend 是同樣的意思,也都是動詞。

meaning of defriend in Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English

verb [transitive] to remove someone from your list of friends on a social networking site I was really hurt when she defriended me.

DEFRIEND Definition & Meaning - Merriam

The meaning of DEFRIEND is to remove (someone) from a list of designated friends on a social networking website : unfriend. How to use defriend in a ...

defriend, v. meanings, etymology and more

To remove (a person) from a list of friends or contacts on a social networking website. Also intransitive. Cf. friend v. 6, unfriend v.

