
20 Dele Alli England

Dele retained his young player crown in 2016/17, directly contributing to 27 goals – scoring 18 – in 37 Premier League games, as Tottenham finished seven points ...

Dele (@dele) • Instagram photos and videos

8M Followers, 368 Following, 146 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Dele (@dele)

Dele (@dele_official) X

Sean Dyche on Dele Alli, and how he wants Everton to play. [@beINSPORTS_EN] ... I WANNA BE LIKE DELE ALLI | #EFC #Everton https://pic.twitter.com ...

Dele Alli

Bamidele Jermaine Alli is an English professional footballer who plays as an attacking midfielder for Premier League club Everton. Dele Alli ...

Dele Alli (M) 數據、新聞、傳聞、個人簡介、影片- Everton


Dele Alli

Dele Alli, 27, from England ➤ Everton FC, since 2021 ➤ Attacking Midfield ➤ Market value: €5.00m ➤ * Apr 11, 1996 in Milton Keynes, England.

Dele Alli endures injury setback on road to long

2024年1月25日 — Dele Alli has endured another setback in the attempt to revive his Premier League career after undergoing surgery on a persistent groin ...

Dele Alli FC 24 球員評分

Dele Alli 是一名來自英格蘭的職業足球員,在愛華頓隊擔任正中場(CM)。Dele Alli 的FC 24 整體評分為75。


巴米迪利·傑梅恩·「迪利」·阿里(英語:Bamidele Jermaine Dele Alli,1996年4月11日—),英格蘭足球運動員,出身於米爾頓凱恩斯青訓系統。現時效力英超球隊艾佛頓, ...


Deleretainedhisyoungplayercrownin2016/17,directlycontributingto27goals–scoring18–in37PremierLeaguegames,asTottenhamfinishedsevenpoints ...,8MFollowers,368Following,146Posts-SeeInstagramphotosandvideosfromDele(@dele),SeanDycheonDeleAlli,andhowhewantsEvertontoplay.[@beINSPORTS_EN]...IWANNABELIKEDELEALLI|#EFC#Evertonhttps://pic.twitter.com ...,BamideleJermaineAlliisanEnglishprofessionalfootballer...