
Deactivating & Deleting Your Account

You can delete your account by going directly to the Accounts ownership and control settings in Accounts Center. Or you can follow these instructions.

Deactivating or Deleting Your Account

Deactivating or Deleting Your Account · What's the difference between deactivating and deleting your account · Temporarily Deactivate Your Facebook Account.

Delete Facebook. Permanent Account Deletion.

The Facebook account deletion process​​ Your account will be deactivated for one month (it was two weeks). After this period it will be permanently deleted.

Done With Meta? Here's How to Delete Your Facebook Once and for ...

First, disconnect your Facebook account from other apps and logins · Sign in to Facebook. · Go to Settings & privacy > Settings > Apps and ...

How to Deactivate or Delete Your Facebook Account

Tap your profile picture, then select Settings & privacy. Tap Settings > Access and control. Select Deactivation and deletion > Deactivate ...

Permanently Delete Your Facebook Account

You can delete your account by going directly to the Accounts ownership and control settings in Accounts Center. Or you can follow these instructions.


透過Facebook 設定刪除Facebook 帳戶# · 點擊Facebook 右上方的大頭貼。 · 選擇「設定和私隱」,然後點擊「設定」。 · 點擊「你的Facebook 資訊」。 · 點擊「停用和刪除」。

永久刪除您的Facebook 帳戶

如要永久刪除帳戶,請按照下列步驟操作: 點擊 Facebook 右上方的大頭貼。 選擇「設定和私隱」,然後點擊「設定」。 點擊「你的 Facebook 資訊」。 點擊「停用和刪除」。 選擇「刪除帳戶」,然後點擊「仍要刪除帳戶」。 點擊「刪除帳戶」,輸入您的密碼,接著點擊「繼續」。

永久刪除您的Facebook 帳號

透過Facebook 設定刪除您的Facebook 帳號# · 點擊Facebook 右上方的大頭貼照。 · 選擇設定和隱私,然後點擊設定。 · 點擊你的Facebook 資訊。 · 點擊停用和刪除。 · 選擇 ...

