
How do I move all my torrents from Transmission to Deluge?

Transmission stores torrent files in ~/.config/transmission/torrents. You can open the files found there with deludge.

Transmission to Deluge Migration

Basically what I'm doing in my script is opening the ~/.config/transmission/*.resume files, pulling out the destination variable, and creating a ...

Why is Transmission so dominant on Linux.

I think you'll find it's dominant because it's the default client on ubuntu. And it's the default client because like you said it's simple and elegant.

Deluge or Transmission ??

I changed to Deluge and am happy with it. Transmission seems way too simplistic to me and does not have much room for customization. Deluge, on ...

Transmission v4.0

The entire codebase has been migrated from C to C++. In the process, we've removed thousands of lines of custom code and used standard C++ tools instead.


A fast, easy and free Bittorrent client for macOS, Windows and Linux. Download v4.0.6 stable Release Notes Transmission · Download · Add Ons · Donate

RuTorrent vs Qbitorrent vs Deluge vs Transmission 2024 (SeedBox ...

Deluge can be tuned, with the ltconfig plugin, and can offer the best performance. But as others have said, it doesn't scale as well (deluge is ...

Transmission vs Qbittorent vs Deluge for remote torrent server?

Deluge's normal desktop client can run in a non-simple mode which can connect to any remote instance. just to keep in mind.

what to use transmission, deluge, qbittorrent or other?

Deluge has some more advanced throttling scheduling options, and you can use a Deluge client on a PC to connect to the back-end on the NAS, so ...

Best torrent client for Linux. Transmission Vs Deluge

Install Deluge on Ubuntu: sudo add-apt-repository ppa:deluge-team/ppa sudo apt update sudo apt install deluge Install Deluge on Arch Linux/ ...


Transmissionstorestorrentfilesin~/.config/transmission/torrents.Youcanopenthefilesfoundtherewithdeludge.,BasicallywhatI'mdoinginmyscriptisopeningthe~/.config/transmission/*.resumefiles,pullingoutthedestinationvariable,andcreatinga ...,Ithinkyou'llfindit'sdominantbecauseit'sthedefaultclientonubuntu.Andit'sthedefaultclientbecauselikeyousaidit'ssimpleandelegant.,IchangedtoDelugeandamhappywithit.T...