

In this 2D side-scroller, players navigate the main characters to explore a high school where evil encroaches. While hiding from the rampaging monsters, you are ...

Detention (video game)

Detention (video game) · Windows, OS X, Linux · WW : 13 January 2017 · PlayStation 4. NA: 3 October 2017; EU: 1 March 2018 · Nintendo Switch. WW : 1 March 2018.


PS4, $12.99 ; Switch, $12.99 ; iOS / Google, $4.99 ; Description. Detention is an unique atmospheric horror game heavily influenced by Taiwanese/East Asian culture ...

Detention on Steam

Detention is an atmospheric horror game set in 1960s Taiwan under martial law. Incorporated religious elements based in Taiwanese/Chinese culture and ...

Detention Trophy (獎杯)

Detention · 你以為有用嗎. 電話撥119或110. 74.73% (185.00) · 收藏家. 取得遊戲中所有的筆記. 61.99% (223.00) · 觀察入微. 觀看九成以上的觀察點. 78.19% (177.00).

Ps4 返校的價格推薦- 2024年6月

【WC電玩】PS4 中文返校Detention(隨身版/ 認證版)數位下載無光碟非序號. PS4 隨身版 $320. 蝦皮購物 ...

【WC電玩】PS4 中文返校Detention(隨身版 認證版)數位下載 ...

若有需要請務必先聊聊確認是否有現貨唷~ 遊戲都是數位下載版,沒有實體光碟不是序號,步驟簡易客服線上安裝指導。 若需要線上對戰,你若有Plus(金會員)無需額外 ...


2019年9月16日 — 各位版上的高手想請教一個問題我知道返校一開始在PC上登場,後來有PS4與NS的移植計畫直到最近也在手機上登場了~ 但問題來了,我去PS4的PSN上面找根本 ...


Inthis2Dside-scroller,playersnavigatethemaincharacterstoexploreahighschoolwhereevilencroaches.Whilehidingfromtherampagingmonsters,youare ...,Detention(videogame)·Windows,OSX,Linux·WW:13January2017·PlayStation4.NA:3October2017;EU:1March2018·NintendoSwitch.WW:1March2018.,PS4,$12.99;Switch,$12.99;iOS/Google,$4.99;Description.DetentionisanuniqueatmospherichorrorgameheavilyinfluencedbyTaiwanese/Eas...