
DFU Mode

DFU or Device Firmware Upgrade mode allows all devices to be restored from any state. It is essentially a mode where the BootROM can accept iBSS.

DFU Restore

2023年5月24日 — DFU stands for Device Firmware Update which reloads the software and the firmware of your device. As such, it's an even deeper restore mode than ...

DFU模式、恢復模式有什麼不同? iPhone和iPad必學知識

復原模式/ 恢復模式(Recovery Mode)是用來保護iPhone 和iPad 「引導載入程式(iBoot)」過程故障的一種模式,不論是iPhone 開機、OTA 更新或用電腦iTunes 升級iOS 系統, ...

Differences between DFU Mode and Recovery Mode

2022年3月29日 — DFU Mode vs. Recovery Mode – Direct Comparison. DFU is short for Device Firmware Update, and this mode is intended for completing system tasks ...

Performing a DFU Restore on a Mobile Device

2024年4月30日 — Then, press and hold the side button until you see the recovery mode screen. iPhone 7, iPhone 7 Plus, and iPod touch (7th generation): Press ...

Put an iPhone or iPad into Recovery or DFU mode

2023年10月3日 — Long-press and hold the Home and Top (or Side) buttons until you see the Recovery mode screen. Once your device is in ...

Restore vs. Recovery Mode vs. DFU Mode

2021年10月10日 — DFU mode is just a fail safe when recovery mode does not work and has better control over upgrading and downgrading bypassing bootloader ...


2024年5月21日 — ... 模式,英文為Recovery Mode,那這種模式是什麼呢?如何進入呢,以下為你詳細解答。 1. 什麼是iPhone 復原模式(恢復模式). 復原模式是iPhone 的一種安全 ...


DFUorDeviceFirmwareUpgrademodeallowsalldevicestoberestoredfromanystate.ItisessentiallyamodewheretheBootROMcanacceptiBSS.,,2023年5月24日—DFUstandsforDeviceFirmwareUpdatewhichreloadsthesoftwareandthefirmwareofyourdevice.Assuch,it'sanevendeeperrestoremodethan ...,復原模式/恢復模式(RecoveryMode)是用來保護iPhone和iPad「引導載入程式(iBoot)」過程故障的一種模式,不論是iPhone開機、OTA更新或用電腦iT...