

This Diceware web app is based on the original proposal wherein virtual dice are rolled 5 times, and the 5 digit number used against a lookup table of words.


This Diceware web app is based on the original proposal wherein virtual dice are rolled 5 times, and the 5 digit number used against a lookup table of words.

Diceware Secure Passphrase and Password Generator

Diceware is used to generate cryptographically strong passphrases. Don't let that frighten you away though, a passphrase is just a password made of words you ...

dmuthdiceware: Generate secure passwords you can ...

4 dice rolls gives you 4 random words which are easy for a human being to remember, yet have a high amount of entropy which makes them hard to crack.

cryptogundiceware: Memorizable strong password ...

Generate memorizable strong password for Chinese user. We use coin here because coins are widely used. It's everywhere, if not, use the second hand on a ...

Diceware - Glossary

Diceware is a method for generating passphrases, passwords, and other cryptography, like Bitcoin seeds, using ordinary dice.




Diceware. 335 likes. After WebSec Framework, we decide to replace it woth Diceware.


Diceware是一種使用普通骰子作為硬體亂數生成器建立密碼或其他加密變數的方法。密碼中的每個單詞,需要擲五次六面骰子。擲骰子出現的1到6的數字將組合成一個五位數, ...


ThisDicewarewebappisbasedontheoriginalproposalwhereinvirtualdicearerolled5times,andthe5digitnumberusedagainstalookuptableofwords.,ThisDicewarewebappisbasedontheoriginalproposalwhereinvirtualdicearerolled5times,andthe5digitnumberusedagainstalookuptableofwords.,Dicewareisusedtogeneratecryptographicallystrongpassphrases.Don'tletthatfrightenyouawaythough,apassphraseisjustapasswordmadeofwordsyou .....

RandPass 1.4 輕巧方便的密碼產生器

RandPass 1.4 輕巧方便的密碼產生器
