
A command-line DNS switcher for macOS

Displays a table of all the possible DNS settings you cand switch to. Available out of the box are Google, OpenDNS, and UnblockUs. switch.

App Store 上的《DNS & IP Changer

2024年1月15日 — DNS Changer is the easiest way to change your DNS. Works for both WiFi ... 須使用macOS 11.0 或以上版本及配備Apple M1 或以上版本晶片的Mac。

Change DNS on a Mac using Terminal

This article shows users how to leverage the terminal application on MacOS to make changes to their network settings like DNS.

DNS Changer for MacOS Download (Latest 2024)

Free Download DNS Changer, the latest standalone offline installer for macOS. It is a powerful open-source tool designed to streamline DNS settings for ...

DNS Switcher by mattmcneeney

DNS Switcher is a simple menu-bar utility that allows you to quickly switch between pre-configured DNS settings. Download latest ZIP. Screenshot 1 Screenshot 2 ...

DNS switcher for macOS

DNS switcher for macOS. Raw. myfi.rb. #!/usr/bin/env ruby. require 'optparse'. require 'pathname'. require 'yaml'. VERSION = '0.0.1'. HOMEDIR = Pathname.new(ENV ...

DNS Switcher in your macOS menu bar

Switch DNS to your defined DNS options. - install xbar for free to get started.

macos - How can I quickly change DNS server

2011年8月25日 — To change the DNS settings you use in each of these cases, you'll need to click on the Advanced button at the bottom, then the DNS tab.

在Mac 上更改DNS 設定

若要更改這些設定,請選擇「蘋果」選單 >「系統設定」,按一下側邊欄中的「網路」 ,按一下右側的網路服務,按一下「詳細資訊」,然後按一下DNS。(你可能需要向下捲動。).

