The Direction of HDR Webinar

杜比视界(DolbyVision)是杜比实验室推出的一种先进的高动态范围(HDR)视频技术,它能够提供更丰富的色彩深度、更高的亮度级别以及更精细的明暗对比度,从而 ...,Specifications&WhitePapers·DolbyVisionProfiles&Levels·DolbyVisionStreamsinISOBMFF·DolbyVision...。參考影片的文章的如下:


《Dolby Vision White Paper》,译名:杜比视界白皮书

杜比视界(Dolby Vision)是杜比实验室推出的一种先进的高动态范围(HDR)视频技术,它能够提供更丰富的色彩深度、更高的亮度级别以及更精细的明暗对比度,从而 ...

Specifications and White Papers

Specifications & White Papers · Dolby Vision Profiles & Levels · Dolby Vision Streams in ISOBMFF · Dolby Vision Streams in HLS · Dolby Vision Streams in MPEG-DASH.

[PDF] An Introduction to Dolby Vision™

Dolby introduced Dolby Vision™ in January 2014 as the natural next step after 4K— bringing high-dynamic-range (HDR) and wide-color-gamut technology to homes.


ICTCP is a color representation designed for high dynamic range (HDR) and wide color gamut. (WCG) imagery and is intended as a replacement for Non-Constant ...

Specifications and White Papers

Specifications & White Papers ; Dolby Atmos ADM Profile specification. 24530 Views · Jan 5, 2022 ; Channel labels for Dolby Atmos in IMF PCM audio track files.

Dolby Vision 杜比视界

杜比视界(Dolby Vision™)是美国杜比实验室推出的影像画质技术,通过生动的影像改变了您在电视上的视觉体验。令人难以置信的亮度、对比度和色彩,将现实 ...

[PDF] Dolby Vision™ for the Home

Dolby Vision™ transforms your TV experience with dramatic imaging—incredible brightness, contrast, and color that bring entertainment to life before your ...

Dolby Vision驗證平台:Unigraf UCD-323

... Dolby Vision就是為了這個需求而產生的標準。 口 Dolby Vision™ White Paper. Unigraf的UCD-323已正式成為Dolby Vision驗證平台,藉由UCD-323來擷取影音源(如機上盒 ...

Dolby Vision Whitepaper - An Introduction To Dolby Vision

The document discusses Dolby Vision, a technology for high dynamic range and wide color gamut video. It describes how Dolby Vision addresses challenges around ...


杜比视界(DolbyVision)是杜比实验室推出的一种先进的高动态范围(HDR)视频技术,它能够提供更丰富的色彩深度、更高的亮度级别以及更精细的明暗对比度,从而 ...,Specifications&WhitePapers·DolbyVisionProfiles&Levels·DolbyVisionStreamsinISOBMFF·DolbyVisionStreamsinHLS·DolbyVisionStreamsinMPEG-DASH.,DolbyintroducedDolbyVision™inJanuary2014asthenaturalnextstepafter4K—bringinghigh-dynamic-range(HDR...