
dolphin browser flash not working

it's working. go to settings in dolphin browser go to data settings- Advanced- Scroll Streaming quality to high. Close it and use flash.

Dolphin Browser: Fast, Private

Dolphin Browser is the best internet explorer browser for Android with fast loading speed, HTML5 video player, AdBlocker, tab bar, sidebars, ...

Dolphin Video - Flash Player

2016年3月18日 — ✓Flash Support – Dolphin Video Player supports ANY video format including Flash (flv, swf). Relax and enjoy your favorite videos, free movies, ...

How do I enable Flash Player in Android?

Install the latest Dolphin Browser in the Google Play Store. (11.1.5 and above) Go to Menu> Settings >Web Content>Flash Player, and then choose 'Always on' or ' ...

[教學] 解決Android 4.4


海豚瀏覽器- Dolphin Browser - PC電腦玩手遊

2023年5月26日 — dolphin.com 你可以透過安裝以下插件添加一些附加功能到你的海豚瀏覽器. Dolphin Video Player – Flash Player; Screen Cut – Screenshot app; Web to ...

海豚瀏覽器Dolphin Browser v12.2.3 繁體中文解鎖版

特色功能☆ 支持Flash播放器在Adobe Flash player的支持下,海豚瀏覽器(Dolphin Browser)為您帶來前所未有的視頻和遊戲體驗。讓您在觀看國內外熱門視頻網站時,能夠獲取更 ...


it'sworking.gotosettingsindolphinbrowsergotodatasettings-Advanced-ScrollStreamingqualitytohigh.Closeitanduseflash.,DolphinBrowseristhebestinternetexplorerbrowserforAndroidwithfastloadingspeed,HTML5videoplayer,AdBlocker,tabbar,sidebars, ...,2016年3月18日—✓FlashSupport–DolphinVideoPlayersupportsANYvideoformatincludingFlash(flv,swf).Relaxandenjoyyourfavoritevideos,freemovies, ...,Installthelatest...