

Paint.NET® is image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows ... Paint.NET. dotPDN LLC · 相片與影片. 此產品已3+ 分級為3+,IARC 適合3 歲(含. 3+.

Paint.NET - 在Windows 上下載並安裝

評分 4.8 (19) Paint.NET ; 開發者. Rick Brewster ; 發佈者. dotPDN LLC ; 發行日期. 2017/9/8 ; 估計大小. 307.1 MB ; 類別. 相片與影片 ...

Install paint.net with winget

To install paint.net with winget, use the following command: winget install --id=dotPDN.PaintDotNet -e About paint.net Paint.NET is image and photo editing ...


Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers.


dotPDN LLC develops and distributes high quality software for Windows PCs. Our current projects include: Paint.NET is the leading image and photo editing ...


Paint.NET is image and photo editing software for PCs that run Windows. It features an intuitive and innovative user interface with support for layers, ... Download · Features · Donate · License


Paint.NET is free image and photo editing software for computers that run Windows. Plugins - Publishing ONLY! · Overview/Features · License · Donate

Roadmap and Change Log

Roadmap and Change Log Paint.NET 5.1.4 - released on February 14th, 2025. This update is mostly a hotfix that fixes installation on Windows Server systems.

Can anybody confirm that getpaint.net and dotpdn.cpm are ...

I can confirm: getpaint.net is linked as paint.net Website in paint.net. dotpdn.com is linked as dotPDN LLC at the bottom of getpaint.net.


Paint.NET是使用.NET Framework開發的一款適用於Microsoft Windows的開放原始碼圖像編輯軟體。Paint.NET最初是一個華盛頓州立大學的學生專案,而後發展成支援圖層、顏色 ...


Paint.NET®isimageandphotoeditingsoftwareforPCsthatrunWindows...Paint.NET.dotPDNLLC·相片與影片.此產品已3+分級為3+,IARC適合3歲(含.3+.,評分4.8(19)Paint.NET;開發者.RickBrewster;發佈者.dotPDNLLC;發行日期.2017/9/8;估計大小.307.1MB;類別.相片與影片 ...,Toinstallpaint.netwithwinget,usethefollowingcommand:wingetinstall--id=dotPDN.PaintDotNet-eAboutpaint.netPaint.NETisimageandphotoediting ...,Paint.NETi...

Paint.NET 5.1.2 號稱免費的 Photoshop 精簡版

Paint.NET 5.1.2 號稱免費的 Photoshop 精簡版
