Coby's Battle Wins

CobywinsaDPcompetitionforthefirsttime,sotheDudesthrowhimanall-outparadetocelebrate.Then,it'stheultimatechallenge,whereteamDP ...,ThisisalistofDudePerfectsoloandteambattlesaswellasthewinnersandfinalistsofeachbattle.Thebattlerecordonlyincludessolo/...。參考影片的文章的如下:


"The Dude Perfect Show" Coby's Parade, Brain vs. Brawn ...

Coby wins a DP competition for the first time, so the Dudes throw him an all-out parade to celebrate. Then, it's the ultimate challenge, where team DP ...

Battles - Dude Perfect Wiki

This is a list of Dude Perfect solo and team battles as well as the winners and finalists of each battle. The battle record only includes solo/team battles ...

Coby | Dude Perfect Wiki

Coby was mostly known to lose many battles in Dude Perfect's history as he did not win the first 23 solo battles until his first win in the Giant Sumo Battle in ...

Dude Perfect

Dude Perfect (DP) is an American sports and comedy group headquartered in Frisco, Texas. The group consists of Tyler The Beard Toney, The Twins Cory and ...

Statistical Analysis of Dude Perfect's Battles

2019年6月4日 — When Coby won his first battle (Giant Sumo Battle) he was tied with Garret for second most finale appearances (7). Even today, Coby is still ...


CobywinsaDPcompetitionforthefirsttime,sotheDudesthrowhimanall-outparadetocelebrate.Then,it'stheultimatechallenge,whereteamDP ...,ThisisalistofDudePerfectsoloandteambattlesaswellasthewinnersandfinalistsofeachbattle.Thebattlerecordonlyincludessolo/teambattles ...,CobywasmostlyknowntolosemanybattlesinDudePerfect'shistoryashedidnotwinthefirst23solobattlesuntilhisfirstwinintheGiantSumoBattlein ...,...