Dude Perfect EXPOSED ????????????

2011年10月26日—Yes!DudePerfect'strickshotsarereal.Theyliterallyhavetosittherehoweverlongittakestomakeeachshotandthatincludesfilmingand ...,,,2020年4月29日—ThoughtherewillalwaysbeskepticswhenitcomestotheDudePerfectvideos,fornow,nobodyhasfoundconcr...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Are the 'Dude Perfect' videos on YouTube real?

2011年10月26日 — Yes! Dude Perfect's trick shots are real. They literally have to sit there however long it takes to make each shot and that includes filming and ...

Dude Perfect Has Been Trying to Prove Their Tricks Are ...

2020年4月29日 — Though there will always be skeptics when it comes to the Dude Perfect videos, for now, nobody has found concrete evidence that the group's ...

Dude Perfect uses CGI to fake tricks.

2018年9月6日 — In the new Dude Perfect video Bowling Trick Shots 2 people have caught the leg morphing out due to edits like in this post.


2011年10月26日—Yes!DudePerfect'strickshotsarereal.Theyliterallyhavetosittherehoweverlongittakestomakeeachshotandthatincludesfilmingand ...,,,2020年4月29日—ThoughtherewillalwaysbeskepticswhenitcomestotheDudePerfectvideos,fornow,nobodyhasfoundconcreteevidencethatthegroup's ...,2018年9月6日—InthenewDudePerfectvideoBowlingTrickShots2peoplehavecaughtthelegmorphingoutduetoeditslikeinthispost.,