dumby [어른 연습생 Adult Trainee OST] (Audio)

DUMMY翻譯:模特,(尤指商店裡用來展示服裝的)人體模型,不真的,仿製品;冒牌貨,假貨,(尤指足球等體育項目中的)假動作,假傳球,嬰兒用,橡皮奶嘴,橡皮奶頭,蠢人, ...,(cardgames)Archaicformofdummy(“handshowntobeplayedfrombyanotherplayer”).Categories:Engli...。參考影片的文章的如下:



DUMMY翻譯:模特, (尤指商店裡用來展示服裝的)人體模型, 不真的, 仿製品;冒牌貨,假貨, (尤指足球等體育項目中的)假動作,假傳球, 嬰兒用, 橡皮奶嘴,橡皮奶頭, 蠢人, ...


(card games) Archaic form of dummy (“hand shown to be played from by another player”). Categories: English lemmas · English nouns · English countable nouns ...

Why is it spelled dummy and not dumby?

Dumby did exist but is now obsolete: (rare) Alternative form of dummy (“stupid person”) (card games) Archaic form of dummy (“hand shown to ...

‎Dumby Dumby Dumby

在Apple Music 聆聽Dumby Dumby Dumby的音樂。 尋找Dumby Dumby Dumby最熱門的歌曲和專輯,包括《So Peace Out Ya'll》、《In This Harsh and Brutal World》 及更多 ...

Dumby - Timothy Infinite的歌曲

Dumby ; 演出藝人. Timothy Infinite. 演出者 ; 詞曲. Timofey Dorofeyev. 作曲、 作詞 ; 製作與工程團隊. Timothy Infinite. 製作人 ...

Dumby - song and lyrics by KirbLaGoop

Listen to Dumby on Spotify. Song · KirbLaGoop · 2021.

Dumby: Minimal Phone Launcher

Dumb Phone 提供了簡化、易於使用的介面,可將您的手機變成簡約的主螢幕啟動器。透過將您的螢幕簡化為最小的手機,它可以幫助您保持專注並提高您的工作效率, ...

DUMBY meaning: Inaccurate, informal variant of dummy.

noun: (rare) Alternative form of dummy (“stupid person”) [(dated) A silent person; a person who does not talk.] ▸ noun: (card games) Archaic form of dummy ...

Dumby, Dum, Dum

書名:Dumby, Dum, Dum,ISBN:9798468588963,出版社: Independently published,作者:Candice Lidstone,頁數:,出版日期:2021/09/01.


DUMMY翻譯:模特,(尤指商店裡用來展示服裝的)人體模型,不真的,仿製品;冒牌貨,假貨,(尤指足球等體育項目中的)假動作,假傳球,嬰兒用,橡皮奶嘴,橡皮奶頭,蠢人, ...,(cardgames)Archaicformofdummy(“handshowntobeplayedfrombyanotherplayer”).Categories:Englishlemmas·Englishnouns·Englishcountablenouns ...,Dumbydidexistbutisnowobsolete:(rare)Alternativeformofdummy(“stupidperson”)(cardgames)Archaicformofdumm...