EnteryourGoogleaccount'scredentialsandanameforthebackupcollection(DuplicatiwillcreateanewfolderinGoogleDriveandstoreyour ...,DuplicatisupportsusingGoogleDriveasastoragedestination.NotethatDuplicatistorescompressedandencryptedvolumesinGoogleDrive ...。參考影片的文章的如下:


How to setup a Google Drive backup using Duplicati

Enter your Google account's credentials and a name for the backup collection (Duplicati will create a new folder in Google Drive and store your ...

Google Drive Destination

Duplicati supports using Google Drive as a storage destination. Note that Duplicati stores compressed and encrypted volumes in Google Drive ...

Is there a guide how to setup backup to google drive?

You choose the type of storage option and choose Google Drive and the rest of the process is automatic, just follow what he asks.

How to set the server path of Google Drive

You first decide where you want the backup. Type that in with a minimum number of forward slashes, and let Duplicati do its folder creation.

Duplicati 中文官网

免费的备份软件,可以使用强加密在线存储备份。支持FTP、SSH、WebDAV、OneDrive、Amazon S3、Google Drive 等多种服务。

How To Backup Data on Cloud Drive | Duplicati 2 Google ...

In this video, we'll show you how to back up your data to cloud drives like Google Drive and restore it to its original location. Duplicati ...

Community docs: storage providers

A storage provider is a destination or a target for your backup data. This could be a local files or folder, a networked storage device, or a cloud storage ... Local folder or drive¶ · S3 Compatible¶ · Google Cloud Storage¶ · Google Dr

How do I restore from Google Drive? - How-To

Click on “Restore” from the left menu. Step 1, select “Google Drive” from the “Storage Type” dropdown. Fill in the other fields with your gdrive path and ...

Storage Providers

Duplicati supports many storage providers, both standard protocols and a wide range of proprietary cloud storage solutions. Local folder or drive · S3 Compatible · SFTP (SSH) · Google Cloud Storage

Google Drive Paths not working - Support

I'm using this path: googledrive://My Drive/_BACKUPS/ONYX And can't get it to recognize a folder that already exists.


EnteryourGoogleaccount'scredentialsandanameforthebackupcollection(DuplicatiwillcreateanewfolderinGoogleDriveandstoreyour ...,DuplicatisupportsusingGoogleDriveasastoragedestination.NotethatDuplicatistorescompressedandencryptedvolumesinGoogleDrive ...,YouchoosethetypeofstorageoptionandchooseGoogleDriveandtherestoftheprocessisautomatic,justfollowwhatheasks.,Youfirstdecidewhereyouwantthebackup.Typ...