
Shorter diff ratio

@OP - e36 M3 has a 3.23 (ratio) 210mm (diameter) diff. You can use any BMW 210mm gearset (pinion+crownwheel). The e46 M3 came with a 3.62 210mm ...

E36 M3 Differential differences, EVO vs Standard

evo is a 215 diff, standard e36 a 188. They all have conventional clutch slipper, e46 m3 diff is 3.62, e36 evo is longer but can't remember the ...

BMW Gear Ratio & Final Drive Compilation

A BMW gear ratio of 2:1 can have a gear with 60 teeth and 30 teeth. You can also calculate the gear ratio, such as one found in a differential, ...

E36 3.64 diff fitment?

Also, the 3.38 diff in your M3 is the highest ratio in the E36 medium size diffs. A 3.91 from an auto tranny car is the next highest, but those ...

Bmw e36 m3 evo differential

You currently have a 3.45 if the 318 was a manual. A manual 328 came with a 2.93 diff. A 3.15 can be easily obtained from a manual 325, that ...

BMW E36 EuroEVO Gearbox Ratios and Rear End

The Evo 6-spd has the essentially the same lower ratios as the US 5-spd, plus a 0.83 overdrive 6th gear.

which e36's have a large case diff?

M3 3.0 is a medium case diff, so is 323, 325 and 328. M3 3.0 ratio is 3.15, same as 325. 323 and 328 ratio is 2.93. To change from M3 3.0 to ...

What CW&P fit e36 m3 EVO diff ?

I'm building an E36 M3 EVO race car, but it has a 3.23 ratio diff ( 210mm) Where can i get a lower ie 3.73 or 3.91 CW&P from ?

BMW E36 M3 3.0 Limited Slip Differential LSD 3.15 Ratio ...

Find many great new & used options and get the best deals for BMW E36 M3 3.0 Limited Slip Differential LSD 3.15 Ratio REFURBED Non EVO Axle at the best ...


@OP-e36M3hasa3.23(ratio)210mm(diameter)diff.YoucanuseanyBMW210mmgearset(pinion+crownwheel).Thee46M3camewitha3.62210mm ...,evoisa215diff,standarde36a188.Theyallhaveconventionalclutchslipper,e46m3diffis3.62,e36evoislongerbutcan'trememberthe ...,ABMWgearratioof2:1canhaveagearwith60teethand30teeth.Youcanalsocalculatethegearratio,suchasonefoundinadifferential, ...,Also,the3.38diffinyourM3isthehighe...