SFC 超級任天堂游戲:地球冒險2 基格的逆襲Earthbound ...




Title: EarthBound (US) MOTHER 2 (JP). System: Super NES (US) Super Famicom (JP) Wii U. Genre: RPG. Release: June 5, 1995 (US) August 27, 1994 (JP).

EarthBound Wiki

EarthBound (Japanese: MOTHER 2 ~ギーグの逆襲~ Mother 2: Gyiyg Strikes Back!), subtitled as The War Against Giygas!, is a game that was released for the ...


EarthBound, released in Japan as Mother 2: Gīgu no Gyakushū, is a role-playing video game developed by Ape Inc. and HAL Laboratory and published by Nintendo ...

WikiBound, your community

EarthBound, alternatively referred to as Mother 2 which is its Japanese name (Japanese: MOTHER2: ギーグの逆襲 Mother 2: Gyiyg's Counterattack) is a ...

your name. Another Side

屬於系列. your name. · 列印長度. 194 頁 · 語言. English · 出版者. Yen Press · 出版日期. 2019年12月24日 · 等級層級. 8 and up · 閱讀年齡. 13 歲以上 · 尺寸. 12.95 x 1.47 ...

你的名字Another Side

你的名字Another Side:Earthbound(2)完.

地球冒險2 基格的逆襲

《地球冒險2 基格的逆襲》(日版名:MOTHER2 ギーグの逆襲,英文版名:EarthBound)是一款由Ape公司與HAL研究所共同開發、任天堂在超級任天堂發行的角色扮演遊戲。


Title:EarthBound(US)MOTHER2(JP).System:SuperNES(US)SuperFamicom(JP)WiiU.Genre:RPG.Release:June5,1995(US)August27,1994(JP).,EarthBound(Japanese:MOTHER2~ギーグの逆襲~Mother2:GyiygStrikesBack!),subtitledasTheWarAgainstGiygas!,isagamethatwasreleasedforthe ...,EarthBound,releasedinJapanasMother2:GīgunoGyakushū,isarole-playingvideogamedevelopedbyApeInc.andHALLaboratoryandpublishedbyNintendo ...,Ea...