
Color (Eclipse Platform API Specification)

Compares the argument to the receiver, and returns true if they represent the same object using a class specific comparison. int, getBlue() Returns the amount ...


When I installed the 3.3.1 version of Eclipse I found that the text compare view's colors have changed since 3.2. The colors of an actual compare window ...

Changes in Comparison View barely visible with dark background ...

Lines with a difference are marked with a thin line using those colors. The changed part of the line itself has the change color as an overlay ...

Compare color hard(er) to read in the (updated) theme #2675

I find the green color hard to see in the compare editor. IIRC the old dark theme had a better contrast. @mvm-sap and @BeckerWdf can you check if you agree ...

Compare Editor

Differences are marked with blue color, changes with red. Here is how the compare editor looks when you open it from a Workspace synchronization.

Eclipse SVN文字內容比較顏色設定text compare color settings

點選左側的 General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts ,然後在右側[Colors and Fonts]的目錄下的[Text Compare]下即為內容比較的顏色設定。

Change Colours In Eclipse Diff - java

Inside of the properties you can change all the colors and fonts. You are looking for General -> Appearance -> Colors and Fonts -> Text Compare.

How to change colors in eclipse compare view

I tried changing the colors in the Preferences > General > Appearance > Colors and Fonts and there in Text Compare.

Eclipse compare editor

If I compare two files with a proper file extension, syntax highlighting is enabled (in this case I have also the possibility to switch between ...


Comparestheargumenttothereceiver,andreturnstrueiftheyrepresentthesameobjectusingaclassspecificcomparison.int,getBlue()Returnstheamount ...,WhenIinstalledthe3.3.1versionofEclipseIfoundthatthetextcompareview'scolorshavechangedsince3.2.Thecolorsofanactualcomparewindow ...,Lineswithadifferencearemarkedwithathinlineusingthosecolors.Thechangedpartofthelineitselfhasthechangecolorasanoverlay ...,Ifind...