Business and ecosystems

AECOMhelpscommunitiesmeettheneedforsustainable,high-qualitywatersupplieswhileprotectingthenaturalresourcesthatareintegraltotheecological ...,Weofferafullrangeofecosystemrestorationservicesforaquaticwaterbodies,wetlands,shorelinesandriverbanks,and...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Watershed and Ecosystem Management

AECOM helps communities meet the need for sustainable, high-quality water supplies while protecting the natural resources that are integral to the ecological ...

[PDF] Ecosystem Restoration

We offer a full range of ecosystem restoration services for aquatic water bodies, wetlands, shorelines and river banks, and terrestrial habitats and ...


Our terrestrial and aquatic ecology teams cover the full life cycle of survey, planning, assessment and implementation.


沒有這個頁面的資訊。 · 瞭解原因

AECOM Digital Exhibit Booth | NCER 2021

NCER is an interdisciplinary conference on large-scale ecosystem restoration presenting state-of-the art science and engineering, planning and policy in a ...

The digital ecosystem

A seamless digital ecosystem starts with keeping local communities at the forefront, using data purposefully, building on strategic partnerships and creating ...

New Ecosystem of Work - Future of Infrastructure

Design targeted investments, programs, and policies that heighten the advantages and mitigate the unhealthy aspects of in-person and remote environments.

Ecosystem Project Management (ePM)

Having procured a world class Project Management and Cost Control software (ePM), AECOM relied on our firm's top management personnel for ...


AECOM(/eɪ.iːˈkɒm/,中文名稱:艾奕康)(紐約證券交易所:ACM;法蘭克福證券交易所:E6Z),跨國工程事務所,於1990年成立,總部設立於美國德克薩斯州達拉斯,在洛杉磯、倫敦、 ...


AECOMhelpscommunitiesmeettheneedforsustainable,high-qualitywatersupplieswhileprotectingthenaturalresourcesthatareintegraltotheecological ...,Weofferafullrangeofecosystemrestorationservicesforaquaticwaterbodies,wetlands,shorelinesandriverbanks,andterrestrialhabitatsand ...,Ourterrestrialandaquaticecologyteamscoverthefulllifecycleofsurvey,planning,assessmentandimplementation.,沒有這個頁面的資訊...
