How To

2022年7月16日—esxframeworkreuploadedforeaiserdownloading.Contributetosynceye/es_extendeddevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.therearelinks ...,es_extended]:getSharedObject().ThisIsgreatifyourworkingonamulti-frameworkscriptsothattheuserdoesnotha...。參考影片的文章的如下:


Es extended 1.2

2022年7月16日 — esx framework reuploaded for eaiser downloading. Contribute to synceye/es_extended development by creating an account on GitHub. there are links ...

esx:getSharedObject Deprecation

es_extended]:getSharedObject(). This Is great if your working on a multi-framework script so that the user does not have to change anything to switch ...


2023年3月11日 — This typically happens when the server tries to initialize the shared object too early. Try creating a thread when the server starts up with a ...


The 17.0 major release is coming on May 16, 2024! This version brings many exciting improvements to GitLab, but also removes some deprecated features. We are ...

es_extended - YumV

2019年8月3日 — es_extended is a roleplay framework for FiveM. It is developed on top of EssentialMode (aka ES), thus commonly named ESX - the EssentialMode ...

es_extended For FiveM

es_extended is a roleplay framework for FiveM. It is developed on top of EssentialMode (aka ES), thus commonly named ESX - the EssentialMode Extended framework ...

How to resolve problem with es_extended Fivem

2023年6月9日 — The errored line is coords = vector3(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) Probably coords is not a 3D vector.


add_ace resource.es_extended command.remove_principal allow add_ace resource.es_extended command.stop allow ensure oxmysql ensure spawnmanager ensure ...


es_extended is a roleplay framework for FiveM. It is developed on top of EssentialMode (aka ES), where the project ESX is originating from - the EssentialMode ...


2022年7月16日—esxframeworkreuploadedforeaiserdownloading.Contributetosynceye/es_extendeddevelopmentbycreatinganaccountonGitHub.therearelinks ...,es_extended]:getSharedObject().ThisIsgreatifyourworkingonamulti-frameworkscriptsothattheuserdoesnothavetochangeanythingtoswitch ...,2023年3月11日—Thistypicallyhappenswhentheservertriestoinitializethesharedobjecttooearly.Trycreatingathreadwhentheserver...