
Could not find dependency mysql

2020年1月30日 — Could not find dependency mysql-async for resource esplugin_mysql. Couldn't start resource esplugin_mysql. Couldn't find resource asnyc ...

Couldn't find resource esplugin_mysql

2021年4月13日 — Couldn't find resource esplugin_mysql. And when I want to create a new character, I got lot of errors. SCRIPT ERROR: ...


2020年7月11日 — Download esplugin_mysql and extract it to your resources folder; Make sure you have mysql-async properly working, or a equivelant database ...


esplugin_mysql. An MySQL plugin for EssentialMode. Installation. Download esplugin_mysql; Make sure you have mysql-async installed and working; Utilize ...

Fivem esplugin_mysql error while starting server

2019年8月25日 — Your connection is timing out, likely due to the fact you do not have the correct port/IP of your SQL database or alternatively ...

Fivem esplugin_mysql 启动服务器时出错

2019年8月25日 — 提示: 当您的连接超时时,很可能是因为您没有正确设置SQL 数据库的端口/IP 或端口/连接被阻止。请尝试使用HeidiSQL 连接SQL DB 来解决连接问题,并确保您 ...


Installation · Download esplugin_mysql · Make sure you have mysql-async installed and working · Import the SQL file provided with this project, esplugin_mysql.

MySQL installation

Download esplugin_mysql. Download esplugin_mysql; Extract the zip file and copy the files to resources/esplugin_mysql . Import the SQL file that comes with ...


2020年1月30日—Couldnotfinddependencymysql-asyncforresourceesplugin_mysql.Couldn'tstartresourceesplugin_mysql.Couldn'tfindresourceasnyc ...,2021年4月13日—Couldn'tfindresourceesplugin_mysql.AndwhenIwanttocreateanewcharacter,Igotlotoferrors.SCRIPTERROR: ...,2020年7月11日—Downloadesplugin_mysqlandextractittoyourresourcesfolder;Makesureyouhavemysql-asyncproperlyworking,oraequivelantdatabase ...,esp...