
請問,為何我word轉pdf可以直接加密(在「選項」輸入密碼即可)可是excel轉pdf時,按「選項」只有一個「ISO19005-1XXX」的選項,另外按「工具」時,密碼欄 ...,OpenExcel.ClickontheDataTab:GetData->FromFile->FromPDF:EnterthepasswordforthePDF:.,ThePDFnolongerha...。參考影片的文章的如下:



請問,為何我word轉pdf可以直接加密(在「選項」輸入密碼即可) 可是excel轉pdf時,按「選項」只有一個「ISO19005-1XXX」的選項,另外按「工具」時,密碼欄 ...

How can i export data on excel from a password protected PDF ...

Open Excel. Click on the Data Tab: Get Data -> From File -> From PDF: Enter the password for the PDF:.

How to convert a password protected PDF to Excel

The PDF no longer has password protection. You will now be able to convert your PDF to Excel, CSV or XML. To do this, take a look at our how-to page.

Protect an Excel file

Select File > Info. Select the Protect Workbook box and choose Encrypt with Password. Enter a password in the Password box, and then select OK.

Saving an Excel file as a password

1. Click on the File tab 2. Click on Info 3. Protect Workbook dropdown 4. Encrypt with Password Then you enter the password twice. Save and close the Workbook.

How to easily encrypt your Excel files with a password

Select File and go to Info. Go to the Protect Workbook and select Encrypt with Password. Choose a password and select OK. Reenter the password ...

How to password protect an Excel file

Select File and go to Info. · Go to the Protect Workbook and select Encrypt with Password. · Choose a password and select OK. · Reenter the ...

How to Password Protect Excel

With your Excel document open, press File > Info, click on the Protect Workbook button, and choose “Encrypt with password”. Enter a strong password in the ...

How to Convert Excel to PDF

In PDF Standard dropdown select Password protected. Enter the password and click OK to apply the introduced settings. In the Print window click ОК to start ... Convert the Excel worksheet... · Save Excel as a password...

[PDF] How to Password Protect Word and Excel Files

Encrypting and password protecting Microsoft Word and Excel files is a simple matter. There are a couple of simple rules to remember, though.


請問,為何我word轉pdf可以直接加密(在「選項」輸入密碼即可)可是excel轉pdf時,按「選項」只有一個「ISO19005-1XXX」的選項,另外按「工具」時,密碼欄 ...,OpenExcel.ClickontheDataTab:GetData->FromFile->FromPDF:EnterthepasswordforthePDF:.,ThePDFnolongerhaspasswordprotection.YouwillnowbeabletoconvertyourPDFtoExcel,CSVorXML.Todothis,takealookatourhow-topage.,SelectFile>Info.SelecttheProtectWorkb...